Chapter 4- Dinner

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Just so you know, italics is a flashback and regular is the present. Awesome.

"Your house is like a museum..." I marveled, looking at all the vases and paintings and sculptures.

"Yeah, it's a bit much," Blaine shrugged. "Don't touch that one! My parents got it from Africa!" He said, when my fingers got too close. I stepped backwards, wrapping my arms around each other to keep from breaking something.

"Blaine! Dinner!" A voice called from another room. I didn't know that there was anyone else in the house. I hate meeting people.

Blaine looked over at me, reading my expression immediately. "It's just my mom and dad that are here. Come on, you'll love them." He smiled, reassuringly, and beckoned me to follow him.


"I hate your family," I groaned, shoving random things on the floor into drawers and cupboards.

"I hate my family, too," Blaine sighed, running his hand over his gelled hair. "There's nothing I can do about it."

"You're a weenie. And a goody-two-shoes."

"Am not!"

"You hate your hair all gelled back, but you're wearing it that way because that's how your mom likes it."

"I like it like this," he tried arguing, touching his head defensively.

"No you don't."

"Whatever. But I'm not a goody-two-sh-" The doorbell rang, Blaine's sentence being lost with it.

He ran over to the door, placing one hand on the doorknob then turned back to look at me. "Be nice."


"So, Kurt," I looked up from my meatloaf at the mention of my name. Make this less painful. Don't talk to me. She talked to me. "How do you and Blaine know each other?"

"Uh...we went to Dalton together. But now he's in a few of my classes at McKinley and we're in Glee club together."

This was after I transferred to Dalton, and then ultimately transferred back to McKinley. I told Blaine that I wanted to go back first, and later on, Blaine went to join me. 'I just don't want to be a preppy kid forever, Kurt. Public school sounds nice for a change.' I agreed that it did sound nice at the time. Now even after all of that, all of that history, I was going to Blaine's house for the first time. Only the first time. What was he hiding?

Blaine cut in, explaining to him mom how we were about to work on a project upstairs. Something for history class. A poster and report. Nothing interesting.

The conversation was boring, and luckily, it steered away from me. Blake and Pam led the dinner table, talking about their days, who they fired, for what reason, yada yada yada.

"Blaine, you know Valentine's Day is coming up," his dad started, very suddenly. The topic was just how their secretary was getting a colonoscopy and had to take off tomorrow ("How selfish!" They had said. "Putting health over work.") "Any girl you're looking to get this year?"

Blaine looked back at his food, using the fork to make his peas roll around his plate. "Um..." He started, biting his lip. "No, not really."

"How about you, Kurt? Any lucky lady in your life? A girlfriend?"


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