Chapter 9- Pregnant

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As soon as they'd walked in the door, Blaine was in the zone. He'd ordered Kurt to sit on the couch (he did so reluctantly), and started whipping out the blankets, thermometer, and Advil.

Kurt roller his eyes as Blaine started tucking him in, as if he was a child, with comforter after comforter. He'd stayed quiet, though, only because he knew how insistent Blaine was about nursing him back to health, even if he was perfectly healthy to begin with.

"I'm fine," Kurt groaned eventually, as the other man instructed him to lift his tongue for the thermometer. "Back off."

"But you threw up. What if you have the flu or something?" Blaine tried, even though it would be no use. Kurt was never one to allow himself to be babied, and he wouldn't start now. "If you have a fever, you're gonna need to sweat it out. Come on."

"It happens every once in a while," he said, shrugging, "No biggie."

Blaine stopped what he was doing, lowering himself in the couch across from Kurt slowly. "Wait, what?"

He was sure that if there was anything wrong, Kurt would have told him. They tell each other everything, this would be no exception. Right?

"Look, Blaine..." Kurt sat himself up so that his legs hung over the seat, and folded his hands together in a serious way. "The puking started a couple weeks ago, so I took a test and...I'm pregnant. I would've told you sooner but..."

His heart stopped in his chest at that instant. Pregnant? How would Kurt provide for his child? How would he provide for Kurt provide for his child? What were they going to do?

"What the f-"

"I'm kidding!" Kurt cackled, his arms holding his stomach as he shook with laughter. "You should've- HAH- should've seen your face! You do know that that's not anatomically possible, right?"

Blaine punched his arm, "You piss me off, you know that?"

"That's what I'm here for." Kurt smiled to himself softly, only for his face to return to the same stern expression. He looked down, not wanting to look Blaine in the eyes. "Anxiety."


"It's my anxiety," he repeated, shifting around nervously, playing with his fingers. "Sometimes, it makes me nauseous or's been that way forever."

The sound of the air vents seemed to become louder with the silence between the two filling the room.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Blaine finally asked quietly, moving over to sit next to the other man, their arms touching slightly.

"It's not important." Kurt sighed, only now letting himself look at Blaine in the eyes. "I don't know. I guess I thought that if you knew, you would look at me differently. That you would see me as weak."

"Never. You're the strongest person I know. You were before you told me, and you still are now. Nothing's gonna change that."

They locked eyes for seconds at a time, a comfortable quiet falling on them. Kurt let his head fall on his shoulder while Blaine brought up his hand and let his hair fall gently through his fingers.

"How about a movie night?" Kurt suggested, finally realizing what they were doing and popping up to get the remote.

Blaine groaned internally at the lack of warmth and affection. He was fine with the way things were- really, he was. But Kurt always had to leave. And there he was, thinking that just for one moment, they were acting like a real... couple.

"Yeah...yeah, sure."

Did you guys really think that I was gonna turn this into mpreg? Sorry for getting your hopes up.

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