Chapter 11- A Conversation

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As soon as Burt had left, Kurt came in.

"I'm sorry."

It was the same spiel, and Blaine heard it way too much these days. He didn't doubt that Kurt felt bad for what he did- what he does- but those words were thrown around too often, like they didn't matter.

Blaine rolled his eyes and leaned his forearms on the top of the counter. Should he say anything? Kurt wouldn't listen anyways. "You know, each time you apologize, it gets less meaningful."

"I know..." Kurt sighed, walking around the kitchen.

"Enough is enough." Blaine felt the urge to scream out of frustration, but that would only make the other boy more apologetic. He felt that the only thing Kurt could sense was a change in tone, but never what he was truly speaking. It felt like he was talking to a brick wall. "When are you gonna tell him, Kurt?"

"I don't know."

"You have to tell him eventually."

"I know."

"Because keeping this from him will only make it worse."

"I know."

"Alright, well you dwell on that great conversation- that wasn't one-sided at all- ," Blaine said, sarcasm dripping in his words and a bitterness in his tongue, "and when I come back, you can tell me everything that you've learned from this."

He passed around to Kurt's side of the counter, grabbing his wallet that was only inches from his left hand.

"You're leaving?" Kurt asked, looking at him with curiosity.

"I have a life too, you know," Blaine responded, grabbing his coat from where it was slung over the couch.

"Not as interesting as mine, but where are you going?"

Blaine stopped, his jacket now hung on his shoulders, and a smirk on his face. "I have a date." Why did he feel proud to say this to Kurt? Like he was standing up for himself? Like he was accomplishing something or bragging?

"A date?!" Kurt's eyes practically flew out of his head, "Woah, who's the lucky lady?"

"You piss me off."

"Seriously though."

"If you must know, it's Phil."

"You're kidding."

Phil, the one with the clearly dyed hair? Phil with the jagged eyebrows and the crooked teeth? Phil with the- the- okay, he wasn't that bad looking, Kurt was just trying to come up with reasons to find him unattractive.

"I'm not." Should he be offended? This was the guy he was going out with- should he let Kurt indirectly insult him?

"You've got to be fucking joking!"


"Phil?" Kurt asked, clarifying that they were thinking about the same guy, "As in the bartender?"

"Yeah, why is that so surprising?"

"Because I've never seen you say two words to that guy!"

"Actually, I went to the bar a couple nights ago to apologize for your behavior," Blaine admitted, shrugging.

"What, for the other night?" He winced just thinking about it. They way he stood up on that table, auctioned himself off for some kind of sale, had to be dragged home by Blaine. It was embarrassing. It was unacceptable.

"For every night," Blaine said, turning his back just to avoid the guilt in Kurt's eyes. He knew it was there, he didn't have to see it. "Anyway, we ended up talking and he asked for my we're going out."

"Didn't know you were such a player, Blaine."

"I'm not a player."

"Whatever you say, champ," Kurt smirked, but it quickly faded when he saw Blaine's hand reach for the doorknob.

"And don't forget-" Kurt started to yell afterwards, running up to the door so that Blaine could hear him even down the hallway. "'Wrap it before you tap it!' 'No glove, no love!' STDs are a bitch, Blaine! Take it from me-"

And he was gone. On his date. With Phil the Bartender.

This is just a filler chapter. There's more to come. Sorry this one sucks, but I have a lot planned in the future.

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