Chapter 29- Love

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Brace yourself.

When Kurt entered the apartment for the first time since he'd gone to the police station, he was met with Blaine's face.

The look was a mix between surprise, scorn, regret, and for the most part, love. One look, and it made Kurt's head and heart ache all at the same time. They pulsed loudly inside of him with uneven thumps.

The boys neared each other with held breaths and unblinking eyes, simply looking, walking, and hoping for forgiveness. Yes, they needed forgiveness.

All Blaine could see when he saw Kurt was the sacrifice he made for him, and all Kurt saw was the man that he took for granted and screwed over one too many times. Both of them saw a broken person before them, not realizing that forgiving themselves would fix them just as equally as forgiving each other.

Soon, Kurt and Blaine were face to face. Their noses couldn't have been more than 5 inches apart, and their hearts at 20. So, so close with glassy eyes and disheveled hair, and a red tint to their cheeks like they'd been playing in the snow for too long.

"Kurt," Blaine was the first to speak. Kurt froze and winced slightly to ready himself for what would come next. "I've missed you."

That's all it took for Kurt to let out a sob. He held his best friend with shaking hands that desperately grabbed at the back of his t-shirt, pressing them together like he'd never let go.

Blaine's head was nuzzled under Kurt's and resting on his chest, his salty tears leaving a wet ring on his clothes. He snaked his arms all the way around Kurt's waist and held him in place steadily while they cried together.

Everyone was forgiven.

Kurt spoke into Blaine's curly hair, as they stood, hugging each other. "I love you."

This time, it felt different. Kurt and Blaine had been saying that phrase back and forth to each other sloppily for years now, to express how they'd always be there for each other. But when Kurt confessed his love this time, he felt like he was telling a secret, and pouring his heart and soul into it. He felt vulnerable.

"I love you, too," Blaine whispered back, and for a second, Kurt's heart flew. And then he realized...

Kurt shook his head, and held him closer, if possible.

"Not in the way I want you to."


Blaine couldn't stop thinking about it. It was only one day later, and he was already driving himself mad over eight stupid words that probably meant nothing.

He felt like a fangirl on Tumblr after their celebrity crush Tweeted a simple message, using false reasoning and random facts to pull out a meaning that wasn't there. Because it meant nothing.

Everything Blaine thought it could mean was wrong, he was simply letting his imagination get the best of him, and run off wild.

After an hour of sitting on his bed and looking to the ceiling to find some kind of answer, he came to a conclusion.

"You know what? I'll just ask him and get the right answer instead of driving myself mad."

And that's what he was going to do.

Kurt was sitting on the side of his bed when Blaine walked in. He was staring out the window with a blank expression, bad posture, and hands on his knees.

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