Chapter 28- Dad

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Burt Hummel got back into the car missing $500 from his wallet, but with someone that wasn't on the way there.

The ride back home from the police station was tense. The radio wasn't turned on, it was just a father, a son, and a giant elephant. Kurt was afraid to breathe too loud, so he held his breath while he leaned his head on the cold glass window.

He knew they would have a talk later, but he wished that they could skip it. He didn't need to be told how much of a disappointment he was, or how stupid he was, or how selfish. He knew it already. Kurt didn't want to be seen by his father's not approving eyes, and feel his shame which he has enough of coming from himself.

Burt broke the silence, when he stopped the car in the parking garage that led up to Kurt's apartment.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Burt said, quietly, like he was testing out his voice for the first time.

Kurt took a sharp intake of breath, and bowed his head. "Dad..."

"No, you can't do that to me," Burt scolded, still not facing his trembling son, "Not today."

"I wanted to tell you, I just didn't know how."

"You didn't know how?" He laughed dryly, and turned to look at Kurt. Kurt could almost see tears in his eyes, and the hurt lying deep within. "So you thought it would be easier to just send yourself to jail and have Blaine tell me?"

"I didn't want to make you upset-" Kurt tried justifying, even if he knew that there was no explanation for the hurt and pain he'd caused his dad and everyone around him. There was no good reasoning for what he did and how he did it, but repeating something more than once can make you believe what you're saying, even if it's not true.

"Of course I'm upset, Kurt! You are a wonderful, talented man who could do great things for this world! You could've been anything you wanted to be- anything! And instead you're selling your body to random guys at a bar? You're so much better than that!"

"I'm not doing it anymore."

"It doesn't matter. You did it. There were other solutions Kurt, there were other ways of getting the money!" Burt was quiet for a little bit, his eyes struck with realization and horror, "...which you only needed to help me support myself... This is my fault, isn't it?"

Kurt's stomach dropped.

"No, of course not!"

"God, what kind of a dad am I? I should be taking care of you, not the other way around."

Now Kurt was defending his dad, much different than what he'd been doing before. Hearing Burt talk that way, blaming himself for  something he hadn't done, and disregarding everything he'd done to make Kurt's life as normal as possible.

"Dad, come on... You can't blame yourself for any of this. You're right, there were other ways of getting the money. I just wasn't thinking- it was the easiest way."

Burt took a quivering breath in. Kurt was shocked to see him raise a shaky hand a wipe a fallen tear. "I just really feel like I've let you down, Kurt."

"You didn't do anything wrong-"

"I wasn't there for you when you needed me."

Kurt shook his head, "You've always been there for me. When mom died, when I was having a hard time in high school, the whole NYADA thing... You accepted and loved me the entire time, so the least I could do for you was to find some money to help you out just one time. I did it for you, and I don't regret that. I won't apologize for being there for you, but I will for the way I did it."

Kurt went silent, and a shadow came onto his face until he whispered, "I'm so ashamed." He looked up, revealing puffy eyes and a runny nose. Burt had never seen him so vulnerable.
"I'm so sorry, dad."

"It's okay. You're okay." Burt waited no longer to reach over the the passenger seat and hug Kurt's trembling frame. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

He pulled away, and looked intensely into his eyes. "But you gotta promise me, Kurt, that you'll never do this again. Not just for yourself, or for me, but for Blaine. He cares about you just as much, you know."

Kurt's heart hurt.
"Yeah, I know."

Burt sighed, and shook his head, "No, you don't have a clue."

When do I ever update on time? Really?

So the Burt/Kurt scene finally happened! Woo! It's poorly written but I don't feel like going back and fixing it so...

There's gonna be Klaine coming up soon!

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