Chapter 21- Please and Thank You

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Blaine walked back to his own apartment the next day shaking, and not because it was cold outside. He wondered if Phil was there, waiting for him to return. Or if he was at the bar, drinking his feelings away. Or maybe he didn't care enough, so he made other plans and was out with his friends laughing.

Did Phil even care?

Blaine hesitantly placed his hand on the knob, standing in the position for at least a minute. He didn't have to go in there. He could go back to Kurt's apartment, he was offered a place to stay whenever he needed it. No, Blaine- he thought, shaking his head, You need to do this.

And he turned it.

There Phil was, sitting on the couch with his head rested in his hands. He raised it, showing off the dark bags under his eyes, and his stubble. His eyes immediately lit up when they met Blaine's, and his posture straitened too.

"Blaine. You're back."

Blaine let his feet take him into the apartment, though what he really wanted to do was go back to Kurt's. He stood there, awkwardly, with his arms crossed, and didn't move any further.

"I am." He said, obviously, but his words were lined with a subtle venom that couldn't be placed.

Phil stared at him for a few seconds, and cleared his throat,"... I don't know what to say-"

"Start with an apology." Blaine finally found his voice. It was strong and confident. It showed that he wasn't going to take shit from anybody.

"I'm so sorry, Blaine-"

"Sorry for what?"

Phil laughed dryly, "You sound like my mom." His face sobered up, and he was serious. "I'm sorry for... hitting you. I never meant to hurt you. Ever."

It seemed hard for him to say, even though he was the one that did it. He hit Blaine. It was his fault. Why couldn't he just admit it?

Blaine looked down, a hurt expression coating his face. "Then why did you?

"I was mad," Phil said, as if it justified it. As if saying it out loud made it sound more reasonable. "I thought you cheated on me."

"You know I wouldn't. You know that Kurt and I are only friends. And you and him are both very important parts of my life."

"I know. I know that now. Just please please stay."

Blaine hesitated and looked straight into Phil's red-rimmed eyes, that were covered with unshed tears that were sure to be coming soon. He's sorry, Blaine thought. He means it.

Blaine sighed, blinking away his own tears, "And you'll never do it again?"


He didn't respond, just stared into his own hands to avoid the guilty look on Phil's face.

"Come on, Blaine," Phil yelled, exasperatedly. "I told you I was sorry, I told you it'll never happen again, what more do you want? My first born son? I just...I love you, Blaine. Please."

He loves me. He really does.

"Okay," Blaine whispered, finally bringing his eyes up.

"Okay?" Phil answered, joy now found in his before somber tone. Blaine nodded, and as soon as he did, Phil's lips were on him.

They were on his neck, on his jaw, on his lips, cheeks, forehead, collarbone. His lips were everywhere, like he was sucking trust and loyalty out of Blaine.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you," Phil said softly, in between them.

You're welcome.

This is a short chapter cause I've been super busy with school work. Sorry but I'll be sure to get another chapter out next Monday like I promised.

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