Chapter 25- The Storm

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It was the calm before the storm. They boarded up the windows, brought the outdoor furniture inside, stocked up on candles and flashlights, and sat in the living room listening to the pattering rain on the roof which would soon turn into a hurricane that would destroy everything.

Only, this storm lived inside of one person. One person could tear everything- everyone- apart with no effort at all. The storm was Phil.

Blaine texted Phil on Monday morning, after spending the weekend procrastinating it. Phil texted him throughout the weekend little updates on what was happening in his job, and Blaine didn't respond once. It was business only, right?

But when Phil had just returned from Ohio looking for Blaine in their empty apartment, he knew it was time. Phil would come, and they would confront him. It sounded simpler than it really was. It sounded so much easier.

"I'm at Kurt's." Blaine sent the message with shaking fingers. The reply came almost instantly.

"When are you coming back?? Xx"

Blaine looked at Kurt and Kurt nodded. "You come here."

Blaine turned his phone off and waited for the knock at the door. He felt woozy, his palms were clammy, he wanted to lay down and sleep. It was the calm before the storm, but he felt anything but calm.

And then the light tapping on the door made Blaine gasp loudly and look at Kurt with wide eyes. "You're okay," Kurt said, even if he knew his words were pointless. "I've got you."

Kurt put his hand on the doorknob and waited there, closing his eyes and trying to control his anger. It took everything he had not to yank open the door and make him feel all the pain that Blaine was enduring, physically and mentally. What he wouldn't do to make Phil hurt right now... But he controlled himself for Blaine, the terrified boy sitting behind him, who had enough of violence.

And Kurt pulled open the door.

He looked into the eye of the storm. Phil didn't look like a hurricane, he looked like a twenty-something year old guy with a bubbly grin and rosy cheeks. He looked innocent- and he was anything but. It was hard to tell that there was disaster all around them, and the calm was just temporary.

Phil stepped inside the apartment, trying to ignore the glare in Kurt's eyes that he couldn't quite get rid of. He found Blaine sitting on the couch, looking at him with disappointed eyes.

"Hey, babe!" He sat on the couch next to Blaine, when he promptly moved away to the other side.

"Get away from him." Kurt said, simply, keeping his clenched fists by his sides.

"Excuse me?"

"Get away from him. You will not lay one hand on him ever. Do you understand me?"

Phil gasped, and turned from Blaine to Kurt with shock. "He's my boyfriend."

Kurt frowned. "Was."

"Blaine, what's going on?"

Blaine said nothing, he just sat and kept his head down. He wanted to speak up for himself, he wanted to yell and say how played he felt, how stupid he must have been to fall for Phil's games. The words couldn't make their way out of his mouth.

"Blaine, honey?" Phil's hand reached out to touch his cheek gently, but before he even knew what was happening, he was airborne.

Kurt had a fistful of Phil's shirt and raised him off the ground. He tried to contain himself, but he also made a promise that he wouldn't let Phil touch Blaine. He was not about to break that promise.

Blaine saw a look in Kurt's eyes that he never had seen before. He'd seen anger, he'd seen mad, and upset, but never had he seen this kind of pure rage.

Kurt spoke out of his clenched teeth, "You. Will. Not. Touch. Him. Not now, not whenever you get out of your jail cell, never. Do. You. Understand. Me."

"Blaine?" Phil whispered, pleading.

"Oh quit the act, why don't you? We can all see through you, why don't you show your true fucking colors, huh?"

"Why are you letting him do this to me? Is this about... God, Blaine how many times do I have to tell you? It was an accident! I thought you forgave me!"

Blaine forgave him too many times. That was the issue.

"You know what? Go tell the police, I can play that game too," Phil spat, an evil glint in his eyes aimed directly at Kurt.

"You wouldn't..." Kurt whispered, his grip loosening on the material of Phil's shirt.

"Can you last months in prison, Gigolo?" With a quick shove, Kurt stumbled back. He was so overcome with shock, anger, sadness. He couldn't think straight. "Didn't think so."

Blaine uttered his first words the entire time, and the cracks in his voice made Kurt wince. "It's not worth it, Kurt."

Kurt was quiet for a long time, the only sounds in the apartment being his loud heart thumping in his ears and Phil's steadying breaths. He blinked, and looked up at Phil. "Get out of my fucking apartment," he said tiredly.

"Fine," Phil turned to Blaine, and started taking steps towards him. Blaine stood and backed up, not taking his eyes off the ground. "Don't let him get in your head, baby. I love you, alright? We're soulma-"

"Out." Kurt warned, to which Phil smirked. He took one last look at the two boys, who's faces showed transparently that they were utterly distraught, and left.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Blaine ran straight to his room and shut his own. Kurt could hear the lock clicking from down the hall, and he knew better than to go to Blaine and try to comfort him. There was nothing he could do or say that could make him feel better.

The storm passed, and he was left picking up the ruins.

I updated a day late, sorry! School is really wearing me out and I have a lot of assignments due this week and next week. Don't be mad if I'm not able to update on Mondays!

Anyways, how did you like this chapter? Did you see how I incorporated Kurt's prostitution? (I never really resolved that, did I?) As you know, much more to come in the future.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks!

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