Chapter 34- Vogue Internship

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Saturday morning was the same as it had been for the past couple of weeks- free of Blaine's warmth, and his head leaning on Kurt's chest. Instead, the king-sized bed was cold on one side, and Kurt was alone. He decided that he would never get comfortable with that feeling, and that it was only temporary anyway.

Still, Kurt was filled with the emptiness that could only be filled with seeing his significant other happy, and knowing that all of this was worth it. It didn't take long for him to get out of bed, knowing that the same man that could fill that hole was in the other room, drinking his coffee like he did every morning.

At the thought, Kurt smiled and raced out of his bedroom.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty."

There he was, stunning as ever, holding a mug with both hands and sipping gently, all while staring at Kurt with his glowing eyes.

"Hello, handsome," Kurt whispered, leaning down to kiss Blaine on the cheek. "Did you save me any?"

"I'm not a monster. It's on the counter."

"What would I do without you?"

"I don't know. Probably pass out halfway through the day without your daily dose of caffeine."

Kurt chuckled and poured himself a cup of coffee. It was when he went to get the creamer from the refrigerator that he noticed the piece of paper stuck on the front of it with a magnet.

'VOGUE' it read, in giant black lettering, with a bulleted list in which Kurt merely scanned with his eyes. He put his mug down on the counter.

"What's this?" Kurt asked, with his eyes still on the fridge.

"What's what?"

Kurt rolled his eyes, and picked the paper off to wave at Blaine. "This flyer."

"Oh, that."


"I thought it would be perfect for you," Blaine smiled, and puffed his chest out. "It's a paid internship, so you wouldn't have to keep working at that stupid office that you hate. Year-round, but you have to send in the application by Aug-"

"Are you insane?"

This was not the reaction Blaine was looking for. He stood from his place on the table and moved toward Kurt.

"Are you? I've seen your drawings, Kurt. This could be a career for you. I thought you'd be excited."

"It was just a sketch. I don't know why you're making such a big deal of it."

"I don't know why you're not. This isn't your only drawing. There are dozens of them in your notebook, with notation on what material to use, and what you call it, and what shades it should come in, and the price. This isn't nothing."

"I don't want to talk about this," Kurt said, and turned his back to Blaine.

"Don't you think we should? You're miserable at work, Kurt. I see you when you come home. You're absolutely worn out. You can't take this for much longer. It's killing you. And it's killing me to see you like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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