Chapter 10- The Reveal

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"So... how was your first day back at work?"

"It was great!" Burt said, grinning. "I missed the shop, you know?"

Kurt felt his heart sink in his chest, though he immediately regretted it. He was selfish for wanting his dad to have a bad day- he knew that. But he couldn't help but feel a slight pang of sadness.

He looked over at Blaine. They'd discussed this earlier. Something about "it's a good time to tell him" and "he has the right to know, Kurt." Kurt only got an encouraging smile back, which didn't really mean much at the moment. A grin couldn't make him feel any less nauseous, could it?

"Dad...there's something I wanted to tell you."

It was on the tip of his tongue, not in a hesitant, 'what's the word for it?', 'what was I saying again?' way. In fact, Kurt knew exactly what he would say. He'd been planning it out for a year or so, ever since the night he came home after his first client, so drained and disappointed in himself.

That's what usually put Kurt to sleep at night: visualizing the moment that he would say it, those simple words. Why were words so hard to get out sometimes? They were just letters, 26 of them, all jumbled up and spaced out.

"I'm a male escort," he would say. Or "I was a male escort." It sounded much better like that rather than him admitting that he was a 'prostitute'.

Technically that's true as well... but it's all about connotation- or so they said in the drama club of freshman year run by Sandy Ryerson (with an occasional stop-in with guest star Cooper Anderson).

In his fantasies, there were usually three outcomes:

1) Burt would cry and hug him, apologizing for everything that he did to cause this. Kurt would then cry too, and tell him to stop blaming himself.

2) Burt would kick his ass. Note: This is not limited to only literal kicking of asses. It also entails: being spat on, being punched in the face, or the least likely option of getting killed.

3) Burt would shun him as if they were Amish. Kurt wouldn't be allowed to speak to him nor any relatives.

Kurt hoped that in reality, Outcome #1 would be the way to go, yet he would understand a #3 completely and maybe even a mild #2.

"What is it, Kurt?" Burt looked nervous, as the silence was hinting something bad was coming. He prepared for the worst, his brain already going through possibilities. What if it was cancer. God, he hoped it wasn't cancer. Please, don't let it be cancer.

"I'm..." Kurt spoke quietly, taking in a deep breath. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, and his brain pulsated to the beat. All of this lying, all of this faking, this terrible year of sex and disgusting ways of income and illegal came down to this moment. But, did he even have to tell him at all? "...really happy for you."

Burt let out a breath of relief while Blaine took one in sharply. He couldn't believe what Kurt did...Why couldn't he be honest with his dad- hell, with himself- for once?

I know it's a short chapter, but I kind of really like it. I don't know.

ANYWAY, don't forget to comment and vote to let me know how you feel about this story. Thanks!

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