Chapter 12- Threesome

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"Hell no!"

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Blaine tried telling him, putting on his best puppy dog eyes.

Kurt couldn't think of anything worse, actually. There were so many things he could've have done in the time that he was out. He could have gone bungee jumping, taken a golf lesson, watched 5ish episode of The Office, learned how to knit, built a fucking chair- anything would have been a better way to spend his time.

"What," Kurt groaned, "third wheeling?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. Was it too much to ask that his best friend bond with his boyfriend? They had to put up with each other, and it would make everyone's lives easier if they got along.

"You won't be third wheeling!" He sat on Kurt's bed and moved the basket of laundry between them to the floor. "Maybe if you get to know him, you guys can be friends! We'd all be like The Three Amigos!"

Kurt leaned back over the bed, plopping the basket in it's rightful place: in front of him to resume its duties as a distraction. He continued folding and making neat piles, but not hesitating to respond with yet another witty comment.

"Yeah, more like The Two Amigos with Benefits and Numero Tres!"

Blaine felt his cheeks heat up at 'benefits' but quickly controlled himself. Him and Phil were taking everything slow to his own request. Unlike Kurt, Blaine had never had any one night stands. It wasn't that he was against Kurt's way of life (well, yes, he was against the prostitution thing, but when there was no money involved, he couldn't care less) it was just that intimacy was something special to him.

"Whatever," Blaine said, shaking his head, "Just... please? Maybe you'll like him. He's a really nice guy."

Kurt sighed, "Is this really important to you?"



Blaine got up and hugged him quickly, a good attitude showing in his eyes and smile.

"But I'm not paying," Kurt pointed out playfully, though he meant it entirely.

"Didn't think so."


Blaine was never late. Usually, he was at least five minutes early, and planned his schedule accordingly.

This time, he was seven minutes behind.

Of course, Kurt had thought about sabotaging Blaine's date, as the asshole he is and for no apparent reason, but he decided against it. He was ready on time, which Blaine declared was thirty minutes before the time they were supposed to meet, leaving time for the usual traffic of New York. Completely out of character, Blaine was the one who slowed them down.

"I have nothing to wear!" He yelled, shuffling through clothes hanging up in his closet. A disgusted look showed on his face after each shirt that was presented.

"Why don't you go in what you're wearing right now? You look fine!" Kurt argued.

And this went on for at least fifteen minutes before they were out the door.

And then they hit traffic.

And then Blaine realized he forgot his wallet.

It's like the universe didn't want Blaine and Phil to be together.

"Take it," Kurt sighed, putting his own wallet into Blaine's hands. "I brought it to pay for my own drinks, but I guess you can pretend it's yours for tonight."

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