Chapter 30- Meet The Parent

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1 Month Later

"So you're saying that you guys are..."

Kurt finished his sentence, his eyes flashing to Blaine's for a second, before looking back at his father, "A couple."

Blaine smiled, and confirmed, "Boyfriends, yes."

The whole situation seemed awfully strange for all of them. Neither Kurt nor Blaine had any problem telling the world that they were, in fact, an item. The simple fact could be screamed from the rooftops for all they cared. It was strange, though, for Kurt and Blaine to be sitting right against each other on the couch, their arms and knees touching, all while coming out (in a relationship, of course) to Kurt's dad, who was currently staring at them from an armchair and otherwise thought they were good friends. So very strange, it was for all three of them.

They never thought they'd be at this point: Kurt and Blaine were always too scared to act on their emotions, or keeping it inside because of circumstance. It was only weeks ago that they finally realized that running wasn't the answer, and suppressing the obviously strong feelings they felt for each other wasn't healthy either.

"As of... a month ago?" Burt clarified, now repeating everything the boys were telling him with dull shock on his face.

Kurt nodded slowly, "Yep."

Burt smirked at their terrified faces, which were yearning for acceptance and support.
"It's about time you guys got together. I was wondering when that'd happen-," he paused for a second, a thought popping into his head, "Hey, do you remember Puckerman from high school? We made a bet about it actually and he said it would happen when you guys were 23 and I said... I said 28 and I'm closer so I won! I gotta call him and get my money..."

Kurt and Blaine looked up at Burt in shock, mortified and disturbed, and yet still slightly amused.

Kurt spoke first, "So you're telling me that you and Puck made a bet about when Blaine and I would get into a relationship?"

Burt smiled with pride, "And I won." Their faces didn't move, they just looked at him with the same blank expression. "Come on, you've practically been dating since the day you guys met."

Both of them blushed, and met each other's eyes before looking away.

"No, really," Burt continued, "I mean, the day Kurt got back from Dalton he couldn't stop singing Teenage Dream. When I drove him home from school, when he was doing his homework, when he was in the shower- hell, he set it as his morning alarm for the next month!"

"Dad!" Kurt gasped, earning a loud chuckle from Blaine.

"Wow, Kurt, I didn't know I meant so much to you," he laughed, sitting up a little taller as if he were a king.

"Don't flatter yourself," he rolled his eyes, a smile blooming on his face amidst obvious embarrassment, "I just really like Katy Perry."


"She's very talented, Blaine."

"Oh yeah, totally."

"She is!" Kurt said with a final nod, and turned back around to his father, "Anyway, we've been waiting to tell you until we made sure that our relationship could be..."

He searched for the right words to describe what he wanted to say, but found nothing in his brain.

"Perdurable," Blaine offered.

"I would've gone more for long-lasting but your fancy SAT word works too."

"And it's not awkward at all? Dating, I mean?" Burt asked.

Blaine thought about the question, and remembered the walk home from their first official date.

Their arms were touching, but their hands were still too shy to meet. The close proximity of their bodies gave them a small shield against the weather, and even though the seasons were changing, the air was as cool as ever.

Blaine and Kurt talked all throughout dinner about random things that they wouldn't even remember seconds later. There was no time of silence in the restaurant, but as they came back to their apartment, a comfortable hush enveloped them.

"This feels weird..." Blaine said suddenly, and immediately felt Kurt tense against him.

"Oh," Kurt said stiffly.

Blaine's eyes widened, "No, no, not because I didn't have a good time- I did have a good time!"


"I don't know, I think it's because we've been friends for so long, and we were so close, we already know everything about each other. So it wasn't like I would say 'Where are you from?' and you would say 'Lima, Ohio' and we'd talk about our lives growing up because I already know the exact address of the house you lived in for all of your life and who lived there with you, and the designer you based your room off of. Do you know what I mean?"

Kurt smiled at him and shook his head at Blaine's rant and his dorky tendencies that he loved so very much. "When you phrase it that way, you just sound like a creepy guy I met on Tinder that stalked my Facebook page."

Blaine nudged him playfully, and Kurt continued. "But I feel that way, too. It definitely wasn't like the other first dates I've had."

"Date?" Blaine said, almost sounding surprised when clearly, they weren't going as friends. Not anymore. "I just really like the sound of that."

"It was more like- I don't know- the first hang out as," Kurt looked at Blaine hesitantly, "boyfriends?"

"Yeah," Blaine confirmed, trying to hide his grin and failing, "as boyfriends..."

"It was... new at first," Blaine admitted, "We already know everything about each other, and have since high school. I'd like to think we just got to skip over the small-talk phase."

Burt looked at the two of them, back and forth, "And you're happy? You're both happy?"

Kurt and Blaine responded at the same time.

"For the first time in a while," Kurt admitted.

"Yes," Blaine said simply.

"Then I'm happy for you guys."

Kurt looked up at him,  "You are?"

"Of course. If I didn't like Blaine I would've gotten rid of him a long time ago." They all laughed lightly, a visible relaxation coming across Blaine's face, "And I know you're both being safe and responsible-"

"Of course we are, dad,"

"So there you have it," Burt nodded, "Blessing granted. Now can I put the game back on, Kurt?"

It took me forever to update this. Sorry.

Anyway, there was a time skip and a flashback all in the same chapter? Look at that.

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