Chapter 18- Kurt, Kurt, Kurt

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Yet again, Blaine found himself talking about high school at the dinner table. It always seemed to come up in the conversation, like the time they did Michael Jackson, the many times their obnoxious friend Rachel Berry complained until she got a solo, their multiple Diva-Offs.

"So he was getting to the high note, right? And he practiced it before so he totally knew he could do it but then he just blows it! It was super awkward and we all felt terrible for him until he said that he messed it up ON PURPOSE! Can you believe that?"

Blaine didn't remember how Kurt's performance of "Defying Gravity" got worked into what they were talking about, but he didn't seem to care. Phil, on the other hand, did.

"Kurt, Kurt, Kurt. That's all you every talk about. Why don't you go marry him, huh?" he said lazily, rolling his eyes leaning his head on his hand.

"Oh, come on! That's not fair!" Blaine argued, crossing his arms. Why were they even having this discussion? Again?

"That's not fair?"

Blaine got up from his chair, and took both of their empty plates to the sink. He didn't have time for this. "We've been friends since high school! He's like family!"

Phil got up from his seat as well, and walked over to where Blaine was now leaning against the counter. "You expect me to believe that you've just been roommates this entire time?"

"Yes, because that's all we ever were!" Blaine yelled, and the words burned on his tongue as soon as he spoke them.

The other man kept moving towards him, moving an inch at a time, his eyes blackened with rage. Blaine tried to back up, but found that he had no where to move.

"I know you've been cheating on me with him, just admit it!"

Blaine's eyes widened, his mouth agape. How could he accuse him of something like that? He'd been nothing but loyal to Phil since the moment they started dating, not even doing to much as looking at another man for too long.

"What?! That's ridiculous!"

"Don't lie to me, Blaine." He was getting closer and closer, the height difference showing prominently as he neared.

"I'm not lying! Nothing's happening, Phil! I love you, only you."

Phil backed up, allowing Blaine to breathe a little bit, for him to put his hands in his hair frustratedly. "Oh, please."

But he was done. Done with the fighting, done with the accusations, done with sitting back and listening to why Phil was always the victim. Blaine the one who came closer now. Phil stood his ground.

"How do I know that you aren't sleeping around, Phil? You say you have a shift until 1 and you come back at 3! The bar is a 5 minute walk!" His face was red and his breathing was uneven. He could almost feel the smoke coming out of his ears and the bitter words on his tongue.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I guess you thought you were the only one that could point fingers-" Blaine was interrupted by stinging on the right side of his face. The hand came and left too fast for Blaine to have seen it coming, but the throbbing told him that it was there at some point.

He held his cheek with shaking hands and tears in his eyes. It wasn't his face that hurt, it was his heart. Phil drew back his own hand, sucking in a breath and holding it there.

"Oh, god. Blaine, I'm so sorry," he started, after a while of stunned silence. " I didn't mean to do that I swear! I would never mean to- I love you!"

He came closer, probably for a hug, but Blaine walked past him silently and fearfully.

"I'm just going to..." Blaine picked up his coat and wrapped it around his sagging shoulders. He looked at Phil, straight in his eyes, and whispered, "I'm going to Kurt."

"Blaine," Phil ran up to him, standing in front of the door, "please, it'll never happen again. I love you so much, Blaine. Please." Blaine kept his arms at his sides as Phil hugged him, trying not to let out a sob loudly.

When he finally let go, Blaine simply said, "Goodbye," and left the apartment.

Once he got to the street, he finally allowed himself to cry.

Didn't I tell you this chapter was going to be amazing? If you didn't pick up the hints, this is what I've been working up to. (I didn't want to do this scene too early, because then it would sound unreasonable)

Also, sorry for not updating yesterday. It was Halloween and I was really busy, but I hope you like this chapter.

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