Chapter 22- Best Week

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Blaine had decided, around Tuesday, that this was the best week of his life.

Sunday, Blaine had to admit, started off shaky, but ended... he wanted to say nicely. That was the day Blaine came home, forced an apology out of Phil, and tried to forgive him and forget it. It didn't go terribly at all, Blaine had gotten everything he should have needed for validation that Phil still loved him, and that he would only touch him with the most gentle of hands for as long as he lived. But there was still some doubt in the back of his mind, that screamed at him to take what he was given, not to be greedy, just move on and forget.

Blaine forgot pretty quickly on Sunday soon after his worried thoughts. Phil kissed all over his exposed skin that wasn't covered by articles of clothing, mumbling apologies and "I love you"s until he wasn't satisfied with the surface area he was given.

Phil's hands roamed to Blaine's jacket, and Blaine willingly took it off. It was a little toasty in there, with the seasons changing and the heater being turned on for extra warmth. Blaine didn't have a problem with taking his coat off.

But then Phil brought his hand to the small of Blaine's back, and guided him to the bedroom in the back of the apartment. Blaine followed, trying to use his naive reasoning that there would only be a little make out session, and they wouldn't go too far. Phil knew he wasn't ready. He wouldn't pressure him into anything.

But then his fingertips found the hem of his shirt. Blaine immediately took his hands off of Phil's shoulders and placed them on the other man's fists where they grabbed the soft material and froze.

"I don't think...I don't know if I'm..." Blaine stumbled on his words, the loss of air and the situation cutting off his brain's ability to formulate and articulate sentences like it used to.

Phil loosened his fists and placed his calloused fingers on Blaine's shoulders. "You trust me, right?"

"Of course I do."

"Good," Phil smiled, "You're ready, Blaine."

Blaine started to sweat, "I don't think-"

"Trust me."

Blaine trusted him. He trusted him when he took off his shirt, when he took off his pants, when he touched every single inch of his body. Blaine put every single ounce of his trust in Phil's hands, hoping that he could lift him up instead of letting him fall.

On Sunday, Blaine forgot pretty quickly. On Sunday, Blaine was no longer a virgin. Yet he still wondered, though he hoped that nobody could hear his loud thoughts through his skull, if he really was ready in the end.

On Monday, Blaine opened his eyes to gentle brightness peeking out of the blinds. Phil wasn't next to him but at work, and even though the heater was on, he felt cold inside. Until he turned around.

Stretching in bed, Blaine let a disturbing noise come out of his widely opened mouth as he elongated his body after a long night of sleep. He sighed, content, and rolled over to look at his own dresser. An instant smile broke out on his face.

Vibrant red roses filled up a tall vase right next to his face. On the base, there was a folded note with "For my love" written in fancy script on the front. Blaine still felt the need to turn around, even if he knew that he really was the one that letter was meant for.

With long fingers, Blaine picked up the note and read it carefully:

"Dear Blaine;
These roses are to remind you that I love you. Come with me to dinner tonight so I can remind you once again how much you mean to me. I'll pick you up at 6 ;)

Blaine laughed and shook his head at the last line and winky face that Phil left for him. It reminded him why he really fell for him in the first place, besides the fact that he knew what he was going through with Kurt back then. But Blaine remembered how much he admired his silliness and boyish charm.

They did go to dinner that night. It felt more like an apology than it did a romantic gesture.

On Tuesday, Phil apparently knew how to get to Blaine's heart and verify his love. He invited Kurt to come over, from his own phone. Unless you don't understand how big of a deal it was, Phil didn't tell Blaine to invite him over, Phil texted Kurt with his own phone, inviting him over, just like they were real friends. And Kurt accepted. And they had a good time. It was a big deal.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Phil made sure that they spent their time out of work together at all times. Blaine was made dinner and dessert by scratch the first day, which wasn't very good, but was very thoughtful. Phil was even able to joke about the stale flavors, saying "Chef Ramsey wouldn't approve" in his finest accent. Thursday, they went bowling. Phil won both times, and Blaine blamed in on his short limbs and loss of power because of it. And Friday, they did the very coupley thing of going to the movies together and seeing "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Blaine had many opinions when they got out of the theater, and Phil couldn't help but stop him and change the subject. Truth be told, he wasn't really into Harry Potter to begin with.

And the last day of their fabulous week, Saturday, was spent lying in bed and cuddling, also known as Blaine's favorite thing to do as a world class little spoon.

Blaine could easily call that the best week of his life. What he didn't know is that this would be his last good week in a while, and the one after would be the worst.

Once again, sorry for updating today (Tuesday) instead of my normal updating day (Monday)! I completely forgot to post but I hope I made it up to you with this chapter.

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