Chapter 20- A Confrontation

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Kurt tried not to say anything. He always hated fighting with Blaine. But there was a constant ache after every minute of keeping his mouth shut, a constant pounding in his head whenever he tried to stifle his words.

They were watching The Devil Wears Prada, and Kurt couldn't seem to focus. There was an elephant in the room, and neither Kurt nor Blaine decided to mention it. The movie played, and the rest of the apartment was silent, not quite comfortable yet not awkward either. Just...strange.

I can't take it anymore, Kurt thought, as he picked up the remote and paused the screen promptly.

Blaine sighed, he knew this was coming, but the question was 'when?' Who would say it first? When is the right time. Now, Kurt supposed.

"Why didn't you come over? Or call? Hell, why didn't you just text me?" Kurt said, getting straight to the point.


"No, Blaine," he carefully thought about what he would say for a long time, and he didn't regret it. "You ignore me for weeks. Weeks. And then you come waltzing back in here asking for a place to stay the night?"

The words were harsh and spiteful. They slapped Blaine in the face as soon as they left Kurt's mouth, and blew him backwards. And the worst part is, he was completely right.

"I'm sorry, I-" Blaine got interrupted by him once again, so he sat on the couch quietly while he was attacked.

"You what?" Kurt's voice faltered slightly, but he managed to compose himself as he continued, "Were too busy with that boyfriend of yours to say hi to your friend? Thought that you could just ditch me and never have to deal with me and my problems again? Wanted to leave your old life behind because you couldn't let it stop you from your big and bright future? Is that it?"

"No, of course not-"

"I'm not finished yet. It was so lonely here, so empty. You seem to forget that I don't have any friends, except for you and if it counts, my dad. So I starting having some visitors over, visitors that pay some good money to have a little private time with Kurt Hummel. And guess what?" Kurt laughed. It was anything but funny. "The apartment was still fucking empty!"

Blaine looked at him in shock, tears brimming in his disappointed eyes. What came out was a whisper. "You starting selling yourself again?"

Kurt didn't have to answer that question, Blaine knew it was true. He was the reason why Kurt was a prostitute again. It wasn't because he needed to support his dad. It wasn't because he couldn't pay the rent, or for basic necessities. It was because he was lonely. And Blaine was the one that left him alone. It was him.

"You know, I started blaming myself at first. I thought that maybe you cut me off because I have too many issues, which is kinda understandable. And then I realized- huh, maybe Blaine is the shitty one here. You left me. You said you never would, Blaine. You said I'll always have you, no matter what. Am I stupid to believe that? I must be- God, I'm an idiot!" Now Kurt was actually crying, fully choking on his words, with tears dripping down his face. He put his head in his hands, his long fingers just meeting his hairline.

Blaine spoke hesitantly, afraid that if he said anything too soon, he'd be interrupted by another angry Kurt rant. He didn't. "...are you done?"

"I think so," Kurt said, his tone replaced with something tired, something Blaine hadn't seen before.

Blaine took a long and shaky breath in, then looked directly into Kurt's red eyes. "I'm so sorry I haven't been around. So sorry. You are one of the most important things in my life, Kurt- no, the most important." What about Phil? No, he wasn't as important. Not even close. "You know how much our friendship means to me, or at least I wanted you to. I know I didn't tell you enough, and I wasn't there for you but I will remind you every single day if that'll make you see how much I need you. Because I need you so damn much. I love you,'re my best friend."

Kurt wiped his face with the back of his hand, even though more were coming anyway. "I... love you too."

He wrapped his arms around Blaine, suddenly, sending him backwards with impact. Kurt buried his face in his shoulder, the shirt getting wetter by the second. Blaine let his fingers go through Kurt's hair, and to his back, and to the back of his neck.

Anything to get Kurt closer to him, anything for him to be able to breathe in his familiar scent, which Blaine instantly recognized as his mother's perfume. He wanted to be connected with her, Blaine thought. He was alone. He needed her.

It only made him hold tighter.

I'm writing this on the bus (because it's Update Monday!) and Perfect by P¡NK JUST came on, aka one of the cutest Klaine duets ever. I'm just imagining Kurt's cute windmill dance move and Blaine rapping. So it must be destiny!

Anyway, enjoy this beautiful fight. I'm oddly proud of Kurt for speaking up for himself, what about you?

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