Chapter 16- Monday Dinner

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Blaine was rather proud of the casserole that he made for that evening. He found the recipe of Facebook a couple days ago, and couldn't wait to try it out on his test subjects a.k.a Kurt and Phil.

It was the third Monday night dinner that they would've gone to since Blaine moved out, and even though they weren't in the same apartment, the tradition was alive and running.

It wasn't just that Blaine knew how important it was to Kurt, because it was something he used to do with his mother when he was a kid, but also because he liked it himself. He would never admit it, but it was the closest thing to a family dinner he could get nowadays, other than Christmas with weird relatives, which felt like anything but traditional.

Blaine's parents were always on business trips, more so after he came out to them, either across the country or to some place halfway around the world. It was as if they were running away from him, not because they had important business in Europe.

And even when they were home, for those three days at a time before they left again, it was like they couldn't bear to sit down with their homosexual son at a table like a family. Maybe it was like that before, before he "turned gay" but it definitely wasn't like that afterwards. Blaine ate in his room most of the time. Until he became friends with Kurt.

When he became friends with Kurt, he was over every Friday. When he became friends with Kurt, he didn't have to eat in his room every day. When he became friends with Kurt, he also had a family.

So when he approached Phil, casserole in hand and jacket on shoulders, he was ready for the Monday night dinner. Until-

"Do we really need to go to that? I mean, we've been doing it for weeks now, it's kinda a pain."

Blaine stopped, the grin on his face slowly fading as he looked at his boyfriend, "What do you mean?"

Phil rolled his eyes, as if there was something obvious that he wasn't seeing right in front of him. Blaine was ready to go, of course he didn't see. "Making something and going there every Monday? Doesn't it get a little...tedious?"

"Weekly dinners are a big thing for Kurt," he tried to argue, "He used to do a Friday dinner with his mom, and even when she passed away they kept it going for her-"

"Look, can't you agree that these Monday night dinners are a hassle?"

"I wouldn't say that..." Blaine mumbled, putting the casserole back onto the counter.

"Just tell him that we can't this week," Phil tried, "Say I'm sick and that you need to take care of me or something."

"I don't think that's-"

"Come on, Blaine. You can't let your entire life revolve around him. He's not worth it."

He froze, those words hitting him through the chest and making his heart hurt. He's not worth it. He's not worth it. But that was the exact thing he had to convince Kurt of every day. That he's worth it. That he deserves life, friendship, love. Blaine stayed quiet, but bit his tongue. Hard.

"Besides, sharing your delicious casserole between two is better than three."

Blaine sighed and shook his head, "...alright."

Phil smiles and got up from the couch to give him a tight hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Blaine said, "I'm gonna call him."

Phil released him and let him take his cell phone to the other room. Blaine reluctantly pressed the call button, and waited until Kurt picked up.

"Hey," he could hear from the other side. Blaine winced, but he willed himself to speak.

"Hey, Kurt..."

"Are you almost here?"

"Yeah about that..." Blaine started, pacing around the room with his phone up to his ear, "we can't come tonight."

"Very funny, Blaine," Kurt laughed, "You know, at some point your jokes just get old."

"It's not a joke."

"'It's not a joke.' Has anyone told you your acting's gotten much better-"

"I'm serious, Kurt," Blaine said quickly. He waited a couple of seconds to decide if what he was going to say was really worth it. Was lying to your best friend okay if you did it for your boyfriend? "Phil... caught something and I need to take care of him. I'm sorry." I guess so.

"Damn, okay." On the other side, a tear fell from Kurt's eyes. He quickly wiped it away. "Tell him I said feel better, I guess. Have fun with all the germs in your apartment right now."

"Will do. Bye."


Kurt didn't know why he was crying, or why he was this sad at all. It made no sense. Blaine cancelled once, it didn't mean he would cancel every week. It didn't mean he would stop coming.

But he knew that it did. Blaine didn't come to the Monday night dinner that week after. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. In fact, Kurt stopped seeing Blaine altogether.

So that's why Kurt was crying. Not because Blaine couldn't come that one time, but because he knew what would happen.

Blaine was slipping through his fingers, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Not that upset about this chapter because it's setting me up for what's coming next. Usually I'm not happy with it but it's honestly not that bad today. Woohoo.

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