Chunnin exams? Hell yeah! Pt2

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I eventually stop repeating myself aloud but I was still saying it in my head.

I'm a killer, I thought.

Gaara hugged me tightly as I was shaking so violently. I frozen in shock and fear, yet I was shaking. I was looking straight ahead with my eyes open wide. I looked like I was having a relapse. I suddenly stop shaking and clasped on the had solid ground. I was still shaking like a weak, helpless dog.

I couldn't hear anything and everything was blurry. I figured I should stop now. I should get over it. So I did. I blinked a few time as my eyes adjusted to see Temari, Gaara and I think they brought Hinata. She currently hands over my head glowing. I sit up slowly and shook my head a bit.

"What the hell happened?" I mumbled.

"You collapsed and was semi-conscious" Hinata said seriously.

Wow! No stuttering! She must have been really serious about how this.....
Thoughts flowed in to my mind.

"I'm a killer" I whispered with and sad expression.

"No You're not" Gaara stated with a crooked smile.

I looked at him as I saw his expression twist into a slight sympathetic look. My lips lifted softly.

"Come here" I said to him.

He crouched down in front of me and pulled him into a hug instantly.

"Thank you" I said gently.

He seem shocked and frozen, trying to process what I said and what I did. Eventually he hugged back and nodded in reply. I grinned at him mysteriously as he raised a non-existing brow at me. In a matter of seconds, I was on his back giggling like a maniac.

"Ride horse, ride!" I yelled with excitement.

I started kicking the side of his leg. Everyone, including him, sweat dropped at me. I nervously laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Kat! My youthful queen!" Someone bellowed.

The voice made everyone sweat drop more, making me sweat drop at them. I ran up to Lee in slow motion as he did the same.

"Lee!" I shouted in a slow, deep voice.

"Kat!" He belched in the same voice as me.

We finally made it to each other and hugged each other with a burning passion.

"Lee, my youthful beast!" I exclaimed anime crying.

"Kat, I have come to ask something."

He got down on a knee. I raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.

"Kat...." He starts.


"Kat, will...."


"Kat, will you...."

"I'm still listening....."

"Kat, will you marry....."

"Oh, spit it out already!" I said with an anime vein pop out of the side of my head.

"Kat, will you marry me?!" He asked with gleaming eyes.

"I would....but since you took so long, no!" I replied.

Steams of tear flowed freely down our faces as we pulled in to a hug.

"Oh, Kat!"

"Oh, Lee!"

"I'm sorry!" We shouted in unison.

"Oh, shut the hell UP!" Temari yelled shortly after.

"But Temari-chan -"


I saw Hinata was gonna, and Gaara and her had their arms crossed over their chest. I growled at her viscously and creeped up to her slowly. She started backing up and had a terrified face on. She sighed of relief when Kiba appeared.

"MUTT!" I shouted with glee.

"FAT CAT!" He shouted back.

I raced at him like a car and put him into a tight head lock. Kiba was like a bestfriend to me. At the moment though, I'm chocking him. But he always gets out. Like now....

He had me on his shoulder smirking and started walking of with me.

"Bye panda-kun, bye Temari-chan!" I screamed.

Kiba then ran off with me to his team.

Time skip.....( I know you all still love me though)

Right now it's the third night at the tower. And currently I can't sleep. So...I'm sitting in a tree watch everyone going in at random places. People attacked me so I ended up killing them. To bad for them....
Anyway, started singing walking on sunshine, then I felt a similar chakra present coming behind me.

"Hey, Chibi-kun" I said softly.

His response was a little grunt as he sat down beside me. We stayed in silence for a bit, but it wasn't awkward. Surprisingly he was the first one to break the silence.

"You're suppose to be sleeping" he told me sleeping.

I chuckled a bit.

"Don't you think I would if I could"I countered.

I did a cheeky wink making him go red. I did a little giggle before looking back at the fluorescent moon.

"Do you want to go to sleep, kawaii-kun?" I asked with a soft smile.

"Yes, bu-"

"Lay your head on my lap and I'll keep Shukaku away" I grinned.

He did as he was told and closed his eyes. I did a few hand signs and my hand had glowing crystals around it. I placed it on his head as he fell into a deep sleep. After about an hour or so I fell asleep with my hand still on his forehead.

Time skip baby.....(shu shi yeah!)

I awoke from my little slumber seeing Gaara was missing.

"Hi" Gaara greeted from behind.

He had some ramen in his hands. He gave me a plate. He had a small portion and I had a big one.

"Don't you dare take a bite out of that" I warned.

"Or what?" He challenged.

He lifted his chopsticks to his mouth.

"Gaara, I will....I will kill you, even if you're hot!" I yelled at him.

He and I froze.

Did I really just say that, I thought.

"You think I'm hot?" He questioned with a large smirk.

My face became as red as my hair.i lowered my face towards my lap and covered my face with my hands. I started to scream into them with pure anger at myself. I heard a deep chuckle coming from him.

"Yes" I mumble.

He made me look at him and went in to kiss me. I went into kiss him back.

But just to piss me off, he went to my ear and whispered "Are you sure?"

My face went red from anger. I disappeared in a puff of smoke into Kiba's room. He was fast asleep. I went over to his bed and stepped on it. I kept bouncing on it and eventually he dropped off the bed.

"Gah!" He moaned.

He crawled up the bed side and glared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Get. Down. Now."

So laid down on his bed and he went back on and cuddled into my back.

"Sorry Mutt" I apologised, but was already asleep.

I sighed and looked out of the window in a thought.

In this dimension I may have to go as a rouge ninja, I thought.

It's true. But it's a dream that told me. To be specific, an angel.


I woke up in a beautiful meadow surrounded by sakura trees. In the shadow I saw a woman, though she was not intimidating. I thought it was best to ignore her so I closed my eyes and looked to the sky. But I couldn't see it. All I saw was a face right up in my face. I shrieked but then I calmed down seeing she was no threat.

She smiled down at me.

"My name is Suki Zowakoa. I'm not here to harm you in anyway" she giggled.

I just stared at her with fascination. I looked at her flawless skin, her white wings that sprouted out of her back, she also had a dress on that was white and poofed out at the bottom.

"I'm here to tell you about your future" she told me becoming very serious.

I nodded at her to tell her to go on. I sat up and my eyes bored into her.

"You'll end up leaving to the akatasuki the same day as Sasuke leaves to go to the pedo. But there's a strong possibility that you'll come back to this village. Yes you will become a chunnin" she answered me without me asking.

"Arigato. But how do you know all this?" I questioned her.

"You're not the only one who was transported to this dimension" she grinned.

End of dream~~

She's nice, but I still don't know what she talking about. Is she maybe from the human world? Maybe she traveled to this world like I did! She lived her till she died. I wonder if she was a ninja.
Thoughts just flowed into my mind. Suddenly I felt a jolt next to me as I saw Kiba emerge from under the covers.

"Kiba, you raped me in your sleep" I freaked him out.

He was down on his knees crying and asking for my forgiveness. I rolled my eyes and knocked him up side his head.

"Baka! I was joking! I'd kick your ass if you didn't ask for my permission to look at my sexy body" I teased with a sexy pose.

He went red and I fell backwards laughing until it felt like my guts were gonna fall out. I stopped and got up to see the looked on his face. He was all flustered. There's a man! Not afraid to show his emotions!

"Kiba, are you scared to show your emotions to girls and others?" I asked.

"No. I don't see why I should" He told me standing up.

Then a random thought popped into my head.but I though it was best not to do that.

"Anyhow, should we go to the main hall?" I questioned rhetorically.

So we went out side of his room and walked to the hall. I spotted Gaara fairly quick since he has crimson, red hair.

I ran over too him and jumped on his back. He jerked forward a bit, seeming shocked and angry. He turned sharply to me but calmed down almost instantly. I got of his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I went into kiss him, but changed my direction to his ear.

"Doesn't feel nice does it."

I pulled away and sat by a white wall. I observed my surroundings. In front of the room there's two hand doing a hand sign. I stared at it sort of zoning out.


Currently were standing in lines and rows. The proctor started explaining a loads crap which I didn't care about so I totally blanked him out.

We were finally allowed to go to the sides to watch the fights.

First up Sasuke and Yoroi. I guess you already know what happened. The almighty Sasuke get his chakra sucked, Orchimaru is watching waiting for the appearance of the curse mark. But fortunately it was restraint and Sasuke beat the crap out of Yoroi.

Next was Zaku and Shino. Zaku, the supposed god of beating people, was dirty talking Shino. However Shino didn't care and was shutting off his air tubes. When Zaku lifted his arm and the broken one blew air in them causing is arms to explode.

Misumi and Kankuro were battling. She started beating him up an broke his supposed neck. But it was crow and he revealed himself beating the crap out of her. Noticed that this one wasn't long? I found this battle boring when I watched on NarutoGet at home.

Anyhow, next was the dumb bell and the even dumber bell, Sakura and Ino. Again, what I hate the most was chatting in a match. After a while with Ino cutting her hair to get into Sakura's head, we all found out that she had two minds. I zoned out them tuned into see that they were both unconscious on the floor. I guess that explains Sakura's huge forehead.

Temari and Tenten were battling. Unfortunately for Tenten, weapons didn't work on Temari. Temari got up to three stars. And Tenten was out cold dropping on Temari's fan. She ruthlessly threw her to the floor. But I was there catching her. I glared at Temari. I went back to the stands and watched again.

Shikamaru and Kin was next. I didn't really like this battle....sooo I zoned out. Obviously Shikamaru won, cuz he's the smartest boy here.

Kiba and Naruto was next, I was a little nervous. I was so worried that I didn't notice that I missed the whole match except for the bit were Kiba was brutally booted I to the ground. I caught him at last minute. I brought him to the stretcher and went to the sides again.

Hinata and Neji was next. I just can't watch. It's to nasty. I close my eyes till I heard the proctor call it was Neji's win. As he came up I glared so hard at him. I saw a glimps of his fear in his eyes.

After that I kinda fell asleep for the last two matches till my name was called.

I smirked evilly. But it was wiped of my face when his said I was battling Kate.....

(The end.............

Joking :D)

I looked at her with my eyes wide. Anger boiled inside of me. Out of instinct I bared my teeth at her.

"Uh oh! Kat's upset" she mocked.

"Begin when you're ready" proctor managed to cough out.

I jumped back and did some hands sign. I felt my bones bend and morf. Hair started to grow all over me as I turned into a wolf. I saw the fear on her face suddenly appear. She did some hand signs.

"Fire style: Fire vortex!" She shouted.

I only started walking forward and it burnt me and my skin healed itself.
I bare my teeth at her and cloned myself as my normal self. My clone ran over to the proctor and made him breath sleepy gas. He dropped to the floor and my clone made more clones to block the exit.

A invisible wall appeared around us. It was really big. But everyone was outside of it still on the stands. In my wolf form I ran at her and ripped off her arm. She screamed and shouted crying.

"What's wrong?" I sneered still in the wolf form.
People ran into the wall unable to break it. I turned back to normal and I had her arm in my mouth. I took hold of it and snapped it with my knee.

I heard everyone go 'OOOO!'. I smiled Sadistically.

"Summoning jutsu!" I yelled.

Suddenly wolves appeared at my side.

"Milady, you called?" My wolf Raiden asked.

"I though you guys want in."

They then did Genjutsu and brought everyone with me. We could see her but she couldn't us. What she was witnessing was me killing everyone important to her. She screamed a bloody scream and I chuckled evilly. Everyone was watching as well trying to scream wake up to her.

"Forget about it. Shes facing her worst nightmare an that me killing her closest people" I smirked.

I closed my eyes.

"In other words she can't see or hear us. Speaking of which, she's finished. Her mind is completely destroyed" I laughed evilly.

We came out of the genjutsu and they were blocked out still. She made a water sword and it was ripped out of he hand and give my to me, by my other wolf Maxy. I walked over to her and picked her up by her neck squeezing it.

"How ironic" was all I said before plunging the sword in chest straight through her heart.

But she wasn't enough. I wanted more blood. It's settled, I'll hunt for people and kill them the most painful way I then.

My clone that put the proctor to sleep slapped him in the face to tell him to wake up.
He looked at me with wide eyes.

"The winner is Kat Ai!" He announced.

Everyone stared at me with fear written in their eyes. I could swore that when I took a glimps at Orchimaru, he looked scared. I walked up the steps having the same sick scowl on my face. It soon turned Ito a smile as I looked at everyone. Blood covered me. I turned back into a wolf and shook myself making the fur go clean. I even licked myself to be sure.

Everyone looked at me crazy. My wolf eyes bored into theirs.

"What? I'm cleaning myself."

They shook their heads and looked at the proctor. Blah blah blah happened an we now have a month to train. Truth be told, I don't need training. I didn't even get a scratch on me.

Anyway, s'long Kate.

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