I need you back

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"I'll try" she smiled softly.

I felt a hot tear slip put of my eye. I felt useless. Never in my life have I been useless. And yet now, I am.

"I need to see my brother" I mumbled.

I transported to the hide out and saw right in front of me, Sinner. He was tied up and had a gag in his mouth. He was trying to say something while squirming around. I scampered towards him and in tied the gag.

"It's a trap!" He yelled.


I didn't get to finish my sentence before I got knocked out. Useless.

When I awoke, I was tied to a metal bed. I was naked. I felt the cold, hard surface shake just a bit by my sudden movements.

"Have you decided yet? To stay as a shinobi or a rouge? I knew what was happening. I wasn't stupid" I heard a deep voice.

"Obito" I growled.

He chuckled and came out of the shadows surrounding me.

"My, my. Look at you" he said.

He ran his hand on my leg. Yuki slipped out just a bit ready to strike at him.

"Oh. Your bijū is being defensive now" he laughed.

"Touch me again," I pulled my wrists from the metal bar holding them down "and I'll make you regret you ever met me!"

With that, I activated my dakumun no me. I couldn't see it but I knew he was smirking.

"What's that gonna do?" he chuckled.

"This" I said.

I put him under a strong genjutsu, not even a a tailed beast could get out of it.

He fell limb and collapsed to the ground. I ran in to the.shadows till ai bumped into something. More like someone.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"Don't worry, it's Itachi" a deep voice said.

I felt something being wrapped around me.

"What are you putting on me" I asked.

"My Akatasuki coat."

He picked me up and walked straight towards somewhere. He opened a door and I squinted my eyes to stop the sun lecking into my eyes. I released the genjutsu and Itachi transported us to where the battle was taking place.

But all I saw was Deidera sitting on Gaara. I stared blankly at Deidera.

"Dei, get off Gaara" I said loud enough for him to hear.

But he ignored me. Anger slowly over took me.

Itachi POV

It was almost as if I saw her hatred towards Deidera. A powerful aura, dark. Fire burning in her eyes. Deidera is a dick, even though he likes Kay. And maybe...I do too. Maybe a little. That's not the point though. He's sitting on the she loves and he's dead. How much more hurt could she get. She tugged on my shirt a bit meaning she wanted me to let go of her.

I let her down and she wasn't in front of me anymore. In that spilt second, she was behind Deidera, knee right in the neck and both arm bent in between his shoulder blades.

Satana POV

I don't care what I have to do, I need you back Gaara.

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