I'm with you

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Almost silently, the boys and I
made out way to Gaara. I heard whispering from the boy, they discussed about what had happened between the girl and their insults to me.

I listened in on the secretly.

"You think she's alright?" Kiba mumbled.

"Yeah she tough. I just want you to know Kiba, you've missed your chance with her."

What are they talking about?

"I know...I thought she liked me back."

Is he talking about him loving me? I suddenly stopped on the spot.

"What are you talkin about Kiba? Are you saying you loved me?" I asked as the two came to a sudden halt.

Kiba and Naruto stared at the back of my head like children would stare guiltily not saying anything. The thing is, I'm not angry him. There are plenty of boys who had and have crushes on me. Does it bother me? No, because I'm with Gaara.

"Well? I'm not angry or anything..."

"I did love you...I think I still do. But that's too late now."

I felt guilt ride up in side of me. I sighed helplessly and carried on walking with them following after shortly. Not long after, Gaara actually appeared at my side. Kiba growled lowly but I hugged Gaara, looking over his shoulder to tell Kiba off.

"Hey, I came here to see if you guys had arrived yet, but I see you were on your way anyway" Gaara innocently spoke.

Well he didn't know the situation at the moment so I guess it's alright.

"Yeah, we ran into some trouble" Kiba grit his teeth slightly bared.

Gaara was confused by his actions but ignored it. I felt slightly awkward being in between two boys who liked me. One of which who didn't even know that he was in a love triangle. Kiba was stiff but tried to act natural, Gaara was emotionless Gaara. Naruto and I just watched, he was more entertained than anything.

"Naruto, help me..." I mumbled to him.

"Hell nah! This is great" He grinned.

I sighed disapprovingly and dragged Gaara over to a spot. He instantly became serious.

"He has feelings for you. Stay away from him" He said deadpanned.

"I can't because that's mean and he's still my best friend. Despite what feelings he may have for me" I lectured. "Why were you acting lie you didn't know he was mad at you?"

"Because I'm Kazekage. Not a good impression to the villagers if I'm still angry all the time."

 I just rolled my eyes.

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