I'll kill anyone in my way

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"Deidera" I said in a dead tone.

He shook out of fear and tears leaked out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, get off me!" I managed to choke out.

I activated my dakumun no me and stared at him. I managed to infiltrate the think skull of his and the torture began.

Deidera POV

I looked around to see nothing. I walked forwards not know the direction I was going in. It was freezing. I felt something crawl up my shoulder. I slowly shoved my hand in my clay holster only to find it was missing. I turned suddenly to face Kat. What have I done? I did this to the one I love and she's doing this for the one she loves. I could sense her blood lust from the metres away I was from her. She took one jagged step towards me. I automatically moved backwards. She took another step, but it was more forceful. She rose he head to me. It was almost like she was hypnotized. Blood splattered all over her face. (Like Killua from hunter x hunter)

I tried opening my mouth to speak. But I was to shocked to even blink.


She mumbled something but I didn't hear what she said.


She mumbled again but a bit louder.


"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She yelled.

Echoes surrounded me and a huge gust of wind blew me back. I covered my eyes and suddenly the wind stop. I removed my now heavy arm from my eyes, she wasn't in front of me...

Sick laughter came from every direction. I hastily looked around. I found her but by the time I blinked, she was gone. Something sliced along my neck. I could feel the blood trickle. The slices came from everywhere. I felt helpless.

"Yes, you should feel helpless" Her taunting laugh echoed.

What felt like twin swords, stabbed me in the back. Blood spilt from my mouth.

"You're not Satana" I coughed out violently.

"Bingo!...Well kind of. I am her, just her...spiteful half I guess."

I heard the grin and pleasure in her voice. I felt to my knees and collapsed on to the dark meaningless ground.

Satana's POV

Screams came from him and he suddenly woke up after two seconds. He squirmed in my grip forgetting the situation in the real world. I leaned over next to his ear.

"I'll kill anyone in my way" I whispered.

But I pulled away from him before I could do any real damage.

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