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Satana's POV

I smirked a bit knowing she was going to be a part of our family. Almost so obvious. I clung on to Gaara as he wrapped his gentle hands around my waist. He then transported us home and he gave me a soft peck on the cheek. I turned my head so our lips were touching, I was found to pull back but he deepened the kiss instead. He slowly lowered me down on the king sized bed behind me, not breaking the kiss.

He hovered over me kissing me on my jawline until he got to me neck. He slowly licked me getting a moan out of me. I became suddenly aroused. I grabbed on to his shirt pulling him closer to me. His whole body lowered towards me, I buckled my hips into his. His hips went lower and he began to grind on me. Moans forced it's way though my parted lips, I felt tingly on my womanhood.

"You wanna?" He whispered in my ear huskily. I didn't respond. "You don't have to."

"I would, I'm sorry. I just feel really sick today." Speaking of sick...

I ran to the bathroom, doubled over the toilet and vomited. Gaara followed me in and bushed my hair out of the way.

Gaara's POV

Random. Very random. She mumbled something to me that I couldn't quite make out.

"What?" I asked.



"I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled. Wrapping her hands around my neck but didn't do anything.

"Kidding" she grinned.

She suddenly grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach. My eyes widened in realisation. I got her pregnant! I think...

Satana's POV

Well he knows! I know! I'm pregnant. I think. I think he's gonna tal me to the hos-. Yeah. Were here already. Oh my fucking gosh! I'm pregnant. But I still have to have a test.

"I understand you want to see if your pregnant?" The midwife asked. I nodded eagerly.

She asked my to 'urinate' in metal container. I did as I was told and gave it back to her. Obviously she tested it and it came back. Gaara and I hugged each other. Well I grabbed hold of him.

"Your pregnant!" She yelled happily.

"Yes!" I celebrated. I grabbed Gaara around the neck and kissed him quickly.

"Also..." He added. He bent down on one knee. "From the first time I met you, I don't know. I was a loner, I didn't know what love was, only hate. But since I've met you I've changed a lot. I learned what love was because of you. Both of us did. You've never let me fall and I didn't want to let you fall from that either. Both of is practically have the same life's. So why not share it with each other. Satana, will you marry me?"

I think I even cut him off when I pressed my lips against his. He kissed back passionately. As for the midwife.

"Aww! So kawaii! Young love" she sighed happily staring at us. He slipped the finger on finger and placed a hand over my stomach.

"I love you" I mumbled.

"I love you too" he said.

The midwife was still staring in a daze. I clicked my fingers and she was back.

"You need to stay here a couple of days. Your baby is growing pretty quick, I reckon it'll be born around November" she scrambled out.

Well it was February, so she just estimated exactly 9 months. Okay then...Gaara got up but grabbed his arm.

"Stay with me" I plead. He sighed with a small smile knowing he couldn't beat me. He turned into sand and went under me materialising again. His hand wrapped around my waist and I rested my head on his right shoulder.

"I love you so much, Gaara. Your the best" I giggled. Next thing I know, I'm asleep.

When I woke up, Gaara was still with me. He slept peacefully, gripping on to my waist still.

Poor him. Always working and he was willing to do it yesterday, I thought.

Me turning towards him ended up waking him up. He looked down at me with a small sloppy smile. I smiled back as he kissed me on the forehead.

He's going to make a brilliant father.

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