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Even since Sinner was possessed by the shifter, the same question ran through my head.

Why and how did it come?

Even I knew it was quite unusual for a shifter to just appear. Even though they're very rare. I also know that they are led by a leader. But who is it if it was told to come to me - take over Sinner's body? And what I really want to know, when did it take over my dreaded father's body?

"Satana...Satana, snap out of it" I heard a faint voice.

I snapped out of my train of thoughts and looked up to see Deidera looking at me worriedly. I frowned and began to bite the tip of my thumb. (Like L Lawliet)

"You've been like this all day. What's up?" He asked.

He sat next to me and stared at me with his big, blue eyes. I could see that he was intrigued to know.

"I'm worried. About Sinner" I sighed. "He was recently possessed by a shifter."

"What's a shifter?" He questioned with a dumb look on his face.

I chuckled.

"You're really not smart for a sixteen-year old. A shifter or spirit shifter, is a spirit that can possess human, animals or any living thing. They are very rare and are normally ordered by a leader. We can't see them but we can sense them...if you're not dumb-"

"Hey!" He said with a sudden outburst.

I continued "once they move on from the previous body to a new one, they normally have the personality and voice of the last person."

He looked at me with shock.

"And how do you know all of this?"

I shrugged.

"Sinner and I's father was hard on us with training and learning" I told him.

He nodded slowly as it started to get awkward. He suddenly leaned over to my ear.

"I'll help you go to see Gaara in Suna" he whispered.

I went dead still. How did he know?

I pushed him back and looked at him hard.

"I sorta annoyed the hell out of Itachi. He told me but threatened to kill me if I told anyone else" he laughed nervously.

I sighed and began biting my thumb again. This whole Akatasuki thing was confusing. I don't want to the here. I want to be at home. But you never know. I might grow into liking this place.

•~•~•timeskip 4 years

I'm sixteen now. I haven't seen Gaara for the longest while. Deidera and I have become very close friends and I've got to know Sinner better. Today, Deidera promised to let me see Gaara. Apparently, he is Kazekage of Suna. I very proud of him.

I went to the entrance of the hideout and waited for Deidera. When he finally made his appearance, he let his hand chew up some clay and spit it out. He threw it into the air and let it grow.

"Ha! Can't beat that, can you!" It wasn't a question, but I could beat him by far.

I began floating. He stared in awe and annoyance.

"One thing! That's all I ask for. One thing that I'm better at!" He yelled.

"You're gonna have to try hard, bubs" I said. (Pronounced as its spelt)

Then I sighed.

"How about I transport is there?"

"You made me wasn't my clay when you could have done that?" He said.

He growled in frustration and made the bird blow up. I clapped and jumped up and down like a five-year old.

"Yay! Me like boom boom!" I said in a babyish voice.

I stopped and did hand signs. We appeared in Gaara's office just as guards were there. They rushed over to arrest us.

"Stop" Gaara demanded.

I smiled softly.

"My little Gaara's all grown up!" I yelled.

I ran over to him and hugged him tight. He hugged back of course. Tears flowed freely from my eyes. He pulled back and wiped them away.

"I missed you" he told me in his now deep, husky voice.

I pressed my lips of his. As soft as I remember them. Then we heard the clearing of the throat. Deidera. I slowly turned to him.


He laughed awkwardly.

"Sir, this is the Akatasuki. Why are you letting them here?" One of the guards asked.

I covered Gaara's mouth.

"I'm his girlfriend. I didn't want to have to break up with him" I answered.

Gaara licked my hand. I retracted it with a disgusted face.

"Eww! You tramp!" I shouted at him playfully.

"I'm not a tramp" he laughed.

I wanted it to be awkward for him. So I said:


Deidera sighed.


I shrugged.

"Why not? Your always stupid" I smiled.

"Ooo, burned" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked behind to see Temari and Kankuro with weapons out ready to attack. I pointed at the weapons and pointed at the floor making the weapons fly out of their hands and stab into the ground. I ran up to them and pulled them into a tight embrace.

"I missed you guys so much!" I said.

They seemed to be in a shocked state but hugged back.

"What were you doing to my Gaara?" A bitchy voice said.

I pulled back and looked at her with an angry face.

"Excuse me" I said.

A girl about my height came from behind Kankuro and Temari. She had her hand on her hip.

"Kimi, this is my student. Matsuri, this is my girlfriend" he said the last bit very slowly as if he was trying to get it into her head.

"Oh, you mean, it's a girl and your friend" she grinned at him.

"No. As in I'm going out with her" he said extra slowly.

She glare at me and charged. All I had to do was move to the side and she ran right past me. Only then did I notice she had a kunai out. She went to stab me in the stomach and I let her. I looked at her bored.

"Ouch. She really hurt" I said deadpanned.

I began inspecting my nails as she looked at me with wide eyes. Gaara just continue to sign paper as Matsuri looked at him.

"Matsuri, don't bother. If I can't beat her, then I doubt you can" Gaara finally spoke.

I pulled back and pulled my shirt up.

"No injury" Matsuri whispered.

"As soon as an object is out the wound, it heals" I told her.

Gaara looked from his work and smiled at me.

"Go to go. Pein is probably wondering were I am. Sigh" I said.


"Shuddup!" I yelled.

I walked up to Gaara and my lips lock with his.

"Bye babes" I smiled.

I did a hand sign and Deidera and I appeared at the hideout. I sighed.

I already miss Gaara.

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