Go away

437 15 2

He knew full well I was stronger. So why did he compare me with him. Yet nobody acknowledges us anyway. Only our mother cared about us. If Dad had his own way, I'm sure he would have fed us to a wild pack of lions from when we were born.
I was sick of him treating us like skanky animals. I walked up to him slowly, growling intimidatingly. He smirked.

"That's more like it" he said.

I pounced at him and began shredding his face. I didn't stop until I was satisfied. Mum finally came out. She gasped at the sight of Dad.
She looked at me sympathetically, as she knew Dad was going to hit me tonight.

Did I care?

I couldn't give a shit at the moment.

"Satana, I'm so sorry about your Dad. You have mastered everything yet, you father still pushes you. He'll keep pushing until you're at the end of the track. I'm so sorry it had to be you two" she cried.

"Don't worry mummy" I smiled.

I hugged her quickly before Dad gain consciousness. I ran over to a battered Sinner and grabbed him closer to me. I've wanted to protect my little brother. And that what I indented to do now.


I stared at Sinner's body. It was taken over by a spirit. My Dads spirit. But it can't be my Dad. He's ruling The land land of snow. So it must be something that able to use someone else's personality. I shifter maybe.

"Are you a spirit shifter?" I asked cautiously.

It chuckled evilly.

"Smart girl" it smirked.

"Why are yu using my Dads voices and personality?" I asked.

"Because he was the last person I was in" It chuckled evilly.

I pulled my arm back with clenched fist. He chuckled again.

"What are you going to do? Hit your brother?" He laughed.

"No, hit you" I told him.

My arm turned invisible and went to punch hum again. I knocked him out of Sinner's body, but now I would have to sense it's presents. I closed my eyes and tired my hardest to track it. It was directly behind my. I did hand signs faster than the human eye could see.

"Spiritual gate" I whispered.

I turned around and the sprite was instantly sucked in. Looked around to Konan who was currently in a stat of shock. I sighed.

"My brother's on the floor and you just want to stare?" I questioned with a frown.

She started moving again and picked Sinner up. I looked at my feet. How could be so reckless. I felt the presents last night but I assumed it was the wind blowing on us.

How and why did it come?

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