The wedding is finally here

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Skip to wedding guys. I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I'm gonna use the same wedding as the other book, I'm sorry. I just lost complete interest in Wattpad...

Today is the day Gaara changes my life completely. Were getting married. I smiled just at the thought of that. Temari stood behind me working out my hair style at the last moment. She finally figured out what the wanted to do.

"Uh huh. Yep" she spoke aloud as she did my hair. I just sat completely baffled about why she went 'uh huh, yep.' Random...

She finally finished. I sigh out of relief as she let me go to look in the mirror. I gasped, gobsmacked at how pretty I look. I broke down in tears realising that my whole life is now Gaara's as well. I was happy. I was happy enough to settle down with a guy I loved, I was happy enough to carry his child.

I never thought I could be loved. That taught me. I could think of any words that could describe my joy. Gaara is all mine. And I'm all his.

Temari gave me a tissue and smirked. "Your lucky it's water proof makeup." I laughed a bit and nodded.

"I'm so lucky to have Gaara."

"No, he's lucky to have you." She smiled at me softly. Then shook my head.

"I never though Gaara would learn to love" she spoke again.

"I did think I could love either" I smiled slightly, "oh how wrong I was."

She burst out in laughter making me laugh too. We let the laughter die down and headed to the door. It was an outside wedding. Cherry blossom blew everywhere. I wished it rained though. Apparently, it's good luck.

And as if magic, little drops of water fell from the sky. Then a whole load. But it stopped after two minutes. Surprisingly enough when I peaked around the comer at the main service, everything was dry. Gaara and his sand. I started to chuckle a bit.

I was tapped on my shoulder, I swivel around to see a boy my age. A little older maybe. He looked familiar.

"I'll be walking you down the isle" he smiled.

I frowned still not able to figure out who he was.

"Your so familiar. You look like Ry..Ry-."

"Ryuuga. It's me" he grinned. How could I forget my best friend! I frowned again.

Then a piano began to play. He held he arm out for me. I put my own through and he smiled at me.

"All without me, huh? I'm proud even though I don't know what you've done" he mumbled as we began to walk down the isle slowly.

"Onii-san...I'm pregnant" I mumbled back.

He took a deep breath in instead of screaming.

"Are you lying?" He squeaked.

I shook my head a little. We were now about 3/4 of the way there. He sighed and nodded.

"Well, your old enough to get

married, so why not have a child?" He grumbled.

I smiled a bit. I missed onii-san. We finally reached the alter where I was met by Gaara. Onii kissed my forehead and sat down. I smiled lovingly at Gaara in his eyes. Then he made his vow.

"I, Gaara, take you, Satana, to be my wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward."

He smiled at me. Not hidden, but a real smile that everyone could see. Some gasps were heard. I began to cry again not able to keep it in. I'm so happy!

"I, Satana, take you, Gaara, to be my husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward."

The priest did one more preyer. Before saying what I really wanted him to say.

"You may now, kiss the bride."

Gaara's hands slipped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into kiss me. And passionate it was. People clapped and started flooding out. I however stay until everyone was gone

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