Sinner pt2

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The girls sensei stared and put her kunai back into her pouch. I sensed a familiar chakra presents. Satana. I looked into the direction she was in but her chakra disappeared. I frowned and tilted my head.

"What is it kid?"

"My...never mind" I sighed.

The sensei rolled her eyes dismissively.

"If you wish to spend time with the doofus then he's got to defeat me Miu" she smiled dumbly.

She won't give up, will she. She walked to the other side of the court meaning she was getting ready to fight. I did the same but plonked my butt on the floor.

She launched at me but all I did was put a barrier around. I can keep this up for about a week or so. She continued rushing at me at full speed. She instantly flew back fifty feet away from me.

"What the hell?" She mumbled rubbing the back of her head. She hit it on a tree while doing a crash landing.

I looked at the shocked girl, I need to stop calling her that.

"What's your name?" I asked.

She tilted her head.

"Sensei said it out loud a second ago."

"I wasn't listening since she was blabbing on."

"Miu. It's Miu" she blushed.

I stared at her adorable blushed and forgot all about the fight. I was now subconsciously fighting but was staring at Miu carefully.

"You wanna go out with me today?" I questioned.

"Not before you beat me!" The sensei yelled.

I sighed and grabbed her head, my palm on her forehead. I pushed her backwards with my foot out, tripping her up on to the floor. I sloppily dropped to my knees and put a fist by her neck.

"Give up" I demanded.

She nodded hastily and I walked slowly towards Miu. She walked besides me as we walked around the village. I found myself intertwining my fingers with hers.

"So Miu, where do you want to go? There a fair tomorrow, so we could then. But I don't know for for lunch with me?" I asked kindly.

I giggled a bit before replying.


Since I didn't know the village very well, I asked her where she wanted to eat. She brought me to a ramen bar. But she frowned.

"You came out of that restaurant about half an hour ago. Aren't you full?" She questioned curiously.

I stared at her giving her a wolfy grin. I shook my head wholeheartedly.

"How?" She said.

" sister and I grew up with a power to transform into a wolf. That also makes us werewolf. 'Were' meaning 'man' and Wolf is the animal. As an example we could also say, 'weremonkey' or 'werecat.'"

"That's cool, though that doesn't explain why your not full because judging with how the Kazekage was full, I'd think you'd be full."

"Nah! My sister and I could eat the whole villages food...and then next village....and the next."

She nodded approvingly. It seemed as if she was testing me in a way. So I came out with it.

"Is this a test?" I questioned putting my hands behind my head. I stared at the clear blue sky. I felt hot.

"Water style: Water bullets" I said.

Instead of it actually shooting me, it drenched my snow hair.

Miu smiled.

"No it's not a test, dog boy" she smirked. "I'm seeing if your suitable for me."

"So it is a test" I thought aloud. In that case...

After we finished eating, I payed. And may I add that it costed a lot! That didn't matter though.

I slipped my arms around her waist from behind. I could practically feel the heat radiating off her face and neck.

"S-sinner?" She stuttered nervously.

"Hmm?" I asked burying my face into the crook of her neck.

She relaxed a bit but I tensed up. My sister was watching me again.

"What's wrong?" She questioned suddenly on alert.

"Mask your chakra, I transporting us" was all I said.

She did as she was told and I did as I said. She stayed masking her chakra.

"What?" She asked.

"My sister was watching. I didn't want to ruin it..."

"Ruin what?" She questioned.


I put my lips on hers gently, slipping my arms around her waist.

"Score!" Satana cheered.

I sighed.

"I guess I can't hide from you, can I?"

Satana grinned happily at me, "my lil bro's growing up. Even beat up her sensei. Now all you have to tackle now is her parents."

My eyes widened. "What? How about Gaara?"

"My parents are dead" he appeared out of nowhere with a smirk.

Miu fell to he knee and kept her head down.

"Gaara-sama" she greeted.

"Oh Miu, get up. You don't have to talk to him like that" I stated.

She stared at him and then me. "You're acquainted?"

"He's my boyfriend" my twin answered for me.

That's when she finally notice Satana and I looked identical.

"Oh my gosh. Your brother and sister?"

I nodded as a confirmation. We looked everything alike. It's just the hair style that was different. We both now have snow white hair.

She nodded, "makes sense."

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