Gaara! No!

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Deidera and Sasori went out on a mission. What I didn't get was the fact that Pein didn't let me go. I even bugged him to no ends but he still refused. What's he planning?

"Can I please go with them?" I asked for the hundredth time today. Literally.


"Can I please go with them?"


"Can I please go with them?"


"Can I pl-."

"Shut up!" He yelled.

I cut my eyes at him and punched it in the stomach. He coughed up a but of blood and walked off as if it weren't a big deal.

"I'll tell everyone your secret about who's above your rank in here" I grinned.

He froze. I began to nod slowly as he turned to face me. He looked like he had seen a ghost despite his already pale looking face.

"I know your secret. I didn't want to tell you...Deidera and Sasori are capturing the one tails..." He told me.

My eyes widened and I began to shake. I transported to Suna and started to look around. Guards began to surround me. Tears fell down my cheeks.

"Where's Gaara? WHERE IS HE?!" I yelled.

Two more guards ran towards me.

"Stop! It Gaara's...friend-girl friend! He'll surely get angry!" A guard shouted.

The others lowered their weapons.

"He's over there."

I transported all the way next to Gaara. He was currently floating on sand.

"Gaara!" I poured my heart out to him. "Leave him alone! Deidera!"

He looked at me making an opening for Gaara. But he still dodged. I did handsigns making Deidera's bird lower.

"Kimi! What the fuck are you doing?" He shouted.

My tears drained down my face.

"Saving my boyfriend" I said.

But it was too late. Gaara fell unconscious. He dropped of the sand carrying him.






Deidera swooped down and grabbed him in the birds mouth.


I dropped I the floor holding my face in my hands. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder.

"I need him. I need Gaara..." I whispered knowing it was the Sand Siblings.

"I know" Kankuro told me.

He felt him stand up and walk in the direction where Gaara disappeared.

"Find Gaara for me" I mumbled.

He stopped.

"I'll try."

Then walked off. I felt uneasy. Something bad was going to happen. I just need Gaara though.

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