Im a emotional reck

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I walked out of the stadium and looked around uncaring of my surroundings. I was kinda depressed that I found out the my ex-bestfriend was still alive and I killed her.

I stopped on a spot and slumped my shoulders. I felt tears well up in my eyes, so I made a run to the forest. I felt a presents following me, but I didn't care until....

"Hello my pretty" A sick snaky voice hissed.

I didn't have time to turn around before he plunged his teeth into my hip. I screamed an ear piercing one and dropped to the ground. I knew for sure that people heard that and help is on the way. I wincing every so often while watching Orchimaru. Then everything blurred and Orchimaru's dark figure disappeared. I screamed a few time before I think Kiba and Neji appeared.

I screamed again before blacking out.


I woke up in a place that was white. I looked at myself to see I was hooked up to machines, thinking about it I now heard beeping. No one was in the room, but I knew it was the hospital. I sat up ignoring the pain. Nurses then popped out of no where trying to push me back in the bed. I glared at every single one of them making them back off hastily.

I ripped the tubes out of my arms and went to the bathroom with my battered clothes. I locked the door and got changed really quickly before walking out of the bathroom with no haste. I looked to my left to see nearly the whole of the gang watching me. I narrowed my eyes at them scowling icily.

"What the hell's wrong with you?!" Naruto shouted, clearly annoyed.

I only flicked my hair out of my eyes before looking at him like he dropped out I space. Everyone frowned and I rolled my eyes. I walked to the window and opened it wide. I stepped on the ledge and glimpsed at them. I leaped to the dirty floor and ran into the forest to train.

"Kat?" A husky voice said.

I stopped in my tracks and sighed. I turned I face a red headed boy starring at me with worry.

"Nani?" I asked.

"What's going on? Why are you acting different?"

"I grew up a bit" was my response.

I walked to a tree and channeled chakra in to my hands. I punched it and made a big boom. I stepped back as it fell to the floor along with the others. I was going to walk to another tree and punch it but sand stopped me.

"Of you continue doing that your knuckles will be broken an half of trees will be gone from the village."

My eyes softened a bit and I looked to the floor. Sat on the floor cross legged organising my thoughts now completely ignoring Gaara. Though I did notice him walking towards me. I didn't budge an inch.

"What's wrong?" He questioned softly.

I starred at him and sighed.

"I changed and I don't know why" I answered.

It was completely true, I had no idea why I was acting so aloof and selfish to everyone.
He frowned at me. Only then everything flooded into my mind.

"Orchimaru bit me" I mumbled lifting my t-shirt to reveal a curse mark.

It resembled Sasuke's one so much that I thought it was just transferred to me. The pattern was exactly the same as his.
I looked at Gaara as I saw jealously swimming in his eyes.
I smirked at him.

"What's wrong almighty Gaara? Jealous? Don't be, this isn't the bite you think it is" I said matter-of-fact.

He only frowned more. I think it's time to tell him...

"Gaara, out of the safety of the village, I'm leaving to join the Akatasuki" I mumbled at him.

His eyes widened.

"You do know they're out to get me, right?" He warned.

I nodded.

"If anything, I'll save you. I'd be the strongest person in the akatasuki" I told him.

He stared at me for a while.

"When are you leaving?"

"Depends on what day is suitable" I shrugged.

"In that case..." He trailed off before slamming his lips on mine.

It lasted for what seemed like forever. But it was mere second. I slowly melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. I then felt a presents behind me. Broke from him but I was really close to his face making him red.


"Shh, were being watched" I whispered.

Gaara slowly took out a Kunai and gave it to me since the stalker couldn't see him as well as me. I threw it at the person in the bush and I heard a loud thump on the floor. I got one of my own kunai's and walked slowly towards the bush to have senbon shooted towards me. I clenched my fists and earth shot up. With both hands in fists, I put one of my feet out and twist it to make the ground shift and shot both my fists forwards, making a bowlders go at them from the ground.

I opened my fingers and twisted my hands in, making the rock surround him. I lifted my hands up with struggle and dropped it so it was stuck into the ground. I then put my two palms together and pulled them a part making the rock at his head move.

"When I ask you questions, you'll speak or I'll kill you" I spat with a threaten.


I closed my hand slightly making it tighter around him.

"You sure you wanna die today?" I asked.

He sighed of defeat.

"Who is your master?"

"I do not have one."

I tightened the rock a bit more.

"Gah!" He coughed up blood.

"Kill me! I won't tell you!" He yelled.

"Very well."

I clenched my fist without a second thought, making blood splat everywhere. Some of it went on my lips, so I licked it while walking to Gaara. He raised one of his non-existing eyebrows at me. I stared at him, waiting for him to say something.

"We should go home and take a shower" he sighed.

"That is if you can defeat me."

My head shot up too see a guy wearing a cloak with red clouds. I suddenly got really pissed, and the cures mark went all over me. A powerful, evil aura surrounded me. I tried to fight it off but I enjoyed the power.

"Gaara, run" I demanded.

I felt the shock radiate of him. He sighed and went somewhere. Back to the Akatasuki. But the coward put a clone there thinking I was stupid.

"Why make you clone fight if its gonna poof away in a sec" I smiled sickly.

As if right on queue, his clone poofed away, causing him to walk to fight me now. But I was behind him pinning the blonde Akatasuki to the floor.

"Hello, Deidara" I smirked "do you want me to break your arms?" I whispered in his ear.

His eyes widened, shaking his head.

"Too bad."

I was going to, but again, sand stopped me . I cut my eyes at Deidara.

"Gaara, they're here to get me. Don't make it a double for them and run!" I yelled at him.

"Don't do it. It's not like you."

I stared at him. Only then did I notice the smirk on Deidara's face.

"I like this position" he said to me.

"Get a life. I'm thirteen and you're like sixteen" I sneered "plus my boyfriend just heard you say that."

Gaara smirked at him. I got off Deidara and the aura disappeared.

"The answers yes Deidara" I said knowing he was gonna ask me to join the Akatasuki.

He snickered and ran off. It was quiet for awhile until Gaara spoke.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered breathlessly.

I went up to him and pecked him on the lips.

"I rather put myself in danger, instead of putting you guys in danger. Deidara was probably gonna kill everyone I know just to make me join" I replied.

I looked down at my pale hands and sighed deeply. He started playing with my crimson red locks.

"You're very brave, I'm glad to have.....fallen in love.....with you" he mumbled.

I know he hesitated when he was speaking, but he's not good with words. I understand that....
I hugged him then pushed my lips against his. I love him so much, it's so painful thinking of leaving his touch, his care...his everything.....
Tears started running down my cheeks.

"I love so much" I cried.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you too" He whispered.

Gaara's POV

I knew this was going to be hard for her. Leaving for everyone's safety. She's always thinking of others before herself. She's strong but right now this is tearing her apart. She doesn't know what to do, she's an emotional reck at the moment.

"Shh" I cooed.

Her hot tears burned through my shirt. I kept cooing, stroking her beautiful red hair. After a while her cries died down and she fell into unconsciousness. I carried her bridal style and sat by a tree with her fragile self in between my legs. I looked at her glowing peaceful face. I smiled slightly hugging her closer to me.

"I found her! She's with Gaara! Dattebayo!" An annoying voice yelled.

Naruto jumped down in front of us. I noticed her grip on me get tighter.

"Give her back, dumbass" he warned

I only stared at him as my sand poured out of my gourd.

"Naruto" a deep voice said.

A guy with silver hair and most of his face cover up jumped down in front of me. He crouched down next to me.

"Is she hurt?" He asked.

"Doubt it" I answered.

"Is she asleep?"


"What's she doing here with you?"

I hesitate to answer feeling a bit sheepish.

"S-she's-" she cut me off.

"I'm his girlfriend" she mumbled in my shirt.

She hugged me tight. I put my arms around her and kissed her forehead. She shakes with silent giggles. I smiled slightly.

"Why is she shaking?!" Naruto shouted.

"She's giggling" I replied.

Naruto looked at me with pure confusion. I started tickling her making her burst out laughing taking her head for my chest. I stopped tickling her and she stared at them. Her bangs covered her eyes.

"Kat, I'm aware you got the curse mark" Silver hair said.

"Hn" she grunted.

She leaned her back against me chest watching them with disgust. I slapped her hand lightly, frowning. She sighed and looked at me.

"Please answer them properly. The quicker you do that, the quicker we can go" I told her quietly.

She turned her head at then and scowled. Naruto just couldn't control himself anymore and slapped her in the face really hard. She didn't cry, I don't move. She pinned Naruto to the ground and punched him in the face repeatedly. Kakashi was gonna stop them but my sand stopped him as I smirked at the fight.

Kakashi gave up and watched in amusement. He was shaking with silent laughter tears welling up in his eyes. I was the same but I was trying to keep it in by smirking. I was so close to laughing but went back to normal and serious as she grabbed Naruto's head. I knew what her intention was. She was gonna rip of his head. I lifted my hand making sand grab her hands and pin her to the ground.

She struggled to get up and glared at Naruto's swollen, bruised face. She clenched her fists making the sand go off her. She sat up and glared at the ground. She started doing hand signs and Naruto's face was glowing greenish. In a matter of seconds his face was healed. Naruto stared at her as she started standing up walking towards me. She held out a hand to me.

"Let's go" she whispered almost as if she was in pain.

I grabbed her hand and she hauled me up. She hugged really tight seeming as if she didn't want to let go.

"Gomen" she said loud enough for me to hear.

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