My first mission an I'm doing all the work...

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I laid down in my bed and stared out of the window. It was dark out by now. I looked to the door as I heard a knock.

"Come in" I said.

The door opened to reveal Itachi. I stared at him then looked at the beautiful navy blue sky.

"You have a mission in the morning" he told me coldly.

I sighed at him.

"You don't have to act cold around me. I already know the purpose of why you're doing this. You have never interned to hurt Sasuke in any way. I understand" I mumbled to him.

He looked shocked.

"I miss Gaara" I whispered as a tear ran down my cheek. "I wonder if he's looking at the sky tonight. That's stupid, of course he is, he's got insomnia."

I could sense Itachi was pitying me. I sat up and stared at my hands.

"Itachi, don't pity me. I'm doing this for their safety. And even so, Gaara could be in danger. I'm a part of this, so it would be part of my fault" I cried.

"You shouldn't be in this position. Your still a kid. I know your mission but the other are completely oblivious. For the time I am alive, I help you" he stated kindly.

I smiled slightly.

"I want to be able to see them" I whispered.

"I'll help you."

"I'll help you too."

I suddenly shot up and hugged him. I cried into his shoulder. He stroked my hair and whispered comforting stuff in my ear. I cried harder seeing how much I missed Gaara and the others.

I whispered over and over 'I miss them!'

"I'll let you see them, tomorrow" Itachi told me softly.

I stopped crying and gasped.

"You'd do that."

He nodded. I hugged him again and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me!"

He smiled softly and nodded in response. I smiled back as he walked out of my door. I went back to staring out the window but, thinking happy thoughts. After a while without noticing, started to fall asleep.


I woke up hearing a knock at the door. I called 'come in to them'. When the door opened, I saw Deidera and Sasori. They looked taken back as I glared at them.

"I was sleeping" I stated bluntly.

Their eyes opened wide. Sasori was the first to man up.

"Remember we have a mission" he told me emotionless.

"Yeah, and I'l get up when I feel like it" I snapped.

He backed up and came out of my room. I sighed in annoyance and got of bed. I went to my shower and.....well......showered I guess......

I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed. I looked on my be to see a black and red cloak on my bed. A ring was waiting on top as well. I just left it there and went to Pain's office to find out about the mission. Without knocking, I barged through the door and looked him in the eye. I then looked to see Deidera and Sasori staring at me.

"Take a photo, It'll last longer" I sneered.

Their heads snapped away from me. I stared at Pain. He explained that we'll be getting a new member of the akatusuki. He also said that the boy we are picking up is most likely to fight us. I just stared at my nails and got a file out of no where. I started filing my nails and blowing them. Pain cleared his throat and said we were fighting his again thinking that it wasn't in my head properly. I just looked at him and started filing my nails again. He sighed and dismissed us. I went to my room and packed necessities then met them outside. After that we went on our journey to find the weird boy.


Currently we were in the land of snow. It felt right to be here, almost as if I belonged here. Not to far away a boy came into view. He noticed us to and started to glare. Without a second though, he ran at us with kunai's. I pushed forward by the two cowards. I huffed and took out kunai's sloppily.

"Thanks guys!" I said with pure sarcasm.

"You welcome" was what I heard from them as I sprung into action.

The boy ran at me at incredible speed, unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough. But! At the last minute he looked like he was going to stab me but he stopped, right in front of my stomach. He disappeared. I felt his chakra behind me.

"Are you going to fight now?" I sighed.

I turned to see a smirk on his face but, it was quickly taken over by an emotionless facial expression. He threw a kunai at me. I only so much as lift my arm. My eyes went white and the muscles around my eyes tensed up. I had activated my byukugan. The kunai dropped to the floor and I was in front of him.

"64 palms, 8 trigrams!" I yelled.

I hit everyone of his pressure points but not his core. Pain probably wanted him alive. He coughed up a bit of blood.

"Sorry, but you challenged me to a fight" I apologised.

I held out a hand for him to grabbed but, he ignored my presents. I looked at the boy properly. He had snow white hair, pale blue eyes, and cold blue lips. He looked so familiar. He looked at me in the same way.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

His eyes widened.

"Don't you remember me?" He questioned.

"Hm no. I don't remember anything of this dimension because I'm not from it."

"It worked then" he mumbled to himself.

I was completely confused but ignored the fact.

"You're the princess of the snow village. The original" he told me.

Only I could hear him seeing the other two were busy fighting.

"If I'm am the princess, what do you mean the 'original'?"

He looked me in the eye.

"Someone else is running the land of snow, they've took you name and place on the thrown. He's made the people's lives a misery" he explained.

I slowly processed this all in my mind. I looked at him.

"Can I beat the shit out of him?" I asked angered.

He looked at me in concern.

"Do you know what I am to you?"

My head dropped to the ground as I tried to think hard. He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled a bit.

"I'm your brother."



Brother! Could this possibly mean she from the Naruto dimension after all?

Or maybe...she might not....

Find out next time!!!!!!!



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