Going through heat

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I was in the front room of the hide out sweating really bad.

"Hey, Satana. You okay?" Sinner asked.

I nodded but Pain disagreed.

"Pain shut up" I sneered.

"She's not alright. She going through heat. So most of the guys have to stay away from her. Maybe even Konan. Still, Konan, take her to a room and lock her up. This may take a while" Pain smirked.

"Wait. You practically called me a lesbian!" I yelled.

"No, I'm just saying you could possibly push yourself on Konan" he replied with his smirk widening.

"Yeah! That's fucking calling me a lesbian!"

"Such a mouth for a kid" Hidan grinned.

My lips twitched in disgust. Konan dragged me to a cell which was like another bedroom. She strapped me to a bed so I couldn't run wild.

"Please, Konan! Don't do this!"


And with that she locked the door as she came out. I began to get eager. I felt my appearance as a werewolf surface. I took deep breaths and tried to restrict myself. I summoned Raiden.

"Wow! You don't look so good" he said sympathetically.

"Go to Gaara and tell him not to come. Don't tell him I'm going through heat" I breathed.

He nodded and disappeared.

Gaara's POV

I was walking around Suna when a wolf appeared. I suddenly remembered it was Kat's wolf.

"I bring a message from master Kat. She said don't come" The wolf told me.


He looked to the floor and disappeared. Okay. Something going down, I'm gonna find out.


I transported to the hideout and disguised my chakra. I could feel the tension from out here. I had to get her out. I turned into sand and went through a window. I saw I had come into her room. Sinner was there as well. He looked confused but soon understood why I was here. (I just had dèja vu.)

He lead me to where Satana was staying.

"What's happen to her?" I asked.

No response. He stopped at a door and pointed at it.

"I'm sure you'd like to find out yourself" he chuckled.

I nodded thanking him and slipped under the door as sand. I saw her strapped to a bed sweating like mad! She was breathing heavily.

"Kat" I whispered.

Her eyes shot open. They were pitch black.

"Why'd you come? Your in danger" she snapped.

"What's wrong with you?"

She seemed ashamed and mumbled something I couldn't hear.


"Mm hmm hm oo nee tt" she mumbled.

"What?" I frowned.

She sighed and said finally "I'm going through heat."

I stared at her.

Kat's POV

He just stared. Suddenly sand came around him forming a sphere. I heard laughter echo from inside it. I rolled my eyes. The sand finally fell off him and he smirked in amusement.

He unstrapped me from the bed and sat in it with me. I stared in shock.

"Truth be told, I'm in heat too" he smiled.

"You must be reply horny with Shukaku in you" I smirked.

"I could say the same with Yuna."

I glared playfully.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

With that I put my lips on his soft ones. He pushed me down on the bed and rubbed my side, causing me to moan. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and searched every bit of it. I wrapped my legs around his broad waist and tangled my hands in his brick red hair.

The kiss deepened until the door was opened. Konan was there.

"Oh my gosh! She didn't push herself on you did she!" She panicked.

"No, Konan! I turns out were both in heat" I smiled.

"Oh bother" she sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose.

"I know you have a bijū and all, but I leave you love bird...alone" she shivered.

She walked out and locked the door again. Guess what we did? What any animal or person would do when they're horny...



I know it's short but it seemed like a good place to finish the chapter. Anyhow, did you enjoy it?

Read my new book 'not so alone after all...'

It's a werewolf story! Heheh!

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