Day of truth

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Kat's POV

"Gomen" I said loud enough for him to hear.

I didn't dare move, somehow I'm doubting myself. I wondering if I really meant it.

"Kat Ai. You are needed by the hokage" an ANBU popped out of no where.

I sighed moving out of Gaara's grasp. I missed it instantly. I transported to the hokage's office.

I bow slightly before sighing a little bit.

"You have a mission....." He started.


Wow. This mission is a very big sacrifice. Nearly everything has to be taken from me.


I looked behind me to see a blur of orange. Naruto stood in front of me gasping for air. Once he looked at me, he stopped.

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost?"

I blink a few times before waving him off.

"Don't worry, it's my problem" I told him with no emotion.

He stared into my eyes, trying to find anything that would help him.

"A mission-"

I chopped the back of his neck and erased his memory.

I walked into the forest and summoned my wolves.

"Kate, whats wrong? Why do you look like you've see a ghost?" Raiden questioned.

I chuckled a bit recognising the same question asked by Naruto.

"I can't say it aloud, but I'll tell you though genjutsu" I answered.

I put them through genjutsu telling them about the meeting with the hokage.


I stared at his soft yet serious face. Next thing I know, I'm in genjutsu.

"Is it really that serious?" I asked.

He nodded slowly.

"This mission is hard, just for agreeing, I'll make you jōinin. To put the whole mission in simple terms, you will join the Akatasuki, collect all over the tailed beasts and destroy the ten tails" he explained.

"But if I collect them all, I would be taking Naruto's l-......ohh! You want me to use resurrection jutsu!" I pointed out the obvious.

"Correct. I know you can do it, and only you. You're practically risking your life for this. If you still alive, then be sure too make sure you've done the job right. If you dead, the same terms go."

"Hai!" I bowed.

He then held out a scroll. I frowned. If we were in genjutsu, then how do I keep the scroll in my hand?

"I know what you're thinking. Your body has been sub-consciously talking and moving like we were having a normal conversation. You just picked up the real scroll" he told me.

"Hn" I replied.

He looked me in the eye.

"Do this for the world. That scroll is s summoning contract" he said.

"But I summon wolves already."

"Who said you can't summon both?"

"Good point."


We stayed in silence for a while.

"Soo.....what does it summon?" I asked.

"Something not of this dimension. I think it was called shinigami" he answered.

"Yeah, sure! Bring death note into this!" I yelled at nothing.

He cleared his throat. I turned my attention back to him.

"The shinigami you will summon is Ryuk, I think" he told me.

I gaped at the fact. I'm gonna have to feed him apples constantly!

"Iya!" I shouted in frustration.

"Nani?" He asked.

"Do you know what his like? You have to feed him an apple every millisecond to keep him happy!" I yelled.

"Oh, so you know what I'm talking about?"

"Hai! I do!"

".....Good luck with him..."

I glared at the Hokage.

"When will I be leaving?"

"Tomorrow at midnight."

My eye twitched.


End of flashback~

"I see" Gomez said.

Gomez is another of my wolves. A very loyal girl, very understanding too. All of them looked at the ground, we all huff a huge sigh.

Suddenly strong arms embrace me from behind. I felt a hot breath on my neck. Tears threatened to spill over my eye lids. I wrapped my arms around the red head and kiss him with passion. He kissed back hugging me tighter, feeling how painful it is too leave. I stopped kissing.

"Promise me, you will find someone else to be with, but will always love me" I demanded softly.

"I can't love no one but you, but if you want me to try, then I will" he mumbled .

He kissed my forehead. I giggled slightly.

"Gaara, why did you fall for me?" I asked out of no where.

he had to think for a bit before he could respond.

"You helped me too love. You opened my eyes, too see that I needed more than myself. You were my inspiration" He said quietly picking his words carefully.

I smiled slightly, remembering how we met.

"Really? You didn't seem inspired" I teased.

He glared playfully. I suck my tongue out at him.

"Don't open you mouth that wide, a pedo might stick their tongue down your throat" he smirked.

"You mean you" I whispered cheekily.

He blushed deeply.

"Wow, I've never seen you go as red as you hair before. Where's your hairline?" I asked with a teasing tone. He groaned in annoyance.

Instead of arguing he pushed be back and kissed me passionately. We I cupped his face with my hand and smile in the kiss. It went on for a little bit until our damn lungs yearned for air. Sometimes I damn the human body for being so stubborn.


"I'm leaving tomorrow" I said to him as a sunset appeared.

I was playing with the flames on his head. He sighed and drew me closer to him. Chest to chest. I looked into his eyes seeing the sorrow and sadness swimming in his eyes, until tears welled up at the bottom of them.

"Gaara, don't cry."

The tears spilt down on to his cheek. I hugged him close till I couldn't take it no more. I started crying too. Pools of tear flowed out of my eyes till I was dried up.

I managed to say "gomen," before I black out.

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