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We started heading towards the hideout with the old granny's at each other necks. I sighed and slapped my brothers hand signalling his to tell me everything. He looked at me and gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"Your hair! I-it changed colour!"

I looked at my now snowy white hair what changed from bright red. I screamed.

"DA FUDGE!" I yelled.

Deidera and Sasori looked over at me and their eyes went wide. I think they even eternally freaked out too. Well I don't blame them! I freaking out! Freaking out!

"Well I think I know why you hair changed colour" Nii-san said.

I stared at him to continue.

"Your hair was originally this colour. Maybe when we sent you to that dimension to be born, you were born with red hair. I think maybe this would be a good time to let you know what happened to you. Okay, we're twins first of all."

"That would explain how you too look the same" Deidera mumbled.

"Mind telling me you name, Nii-san?" I asked.

"Oh. Sinner" he told me looking at his feet.

I gasped.

"Kat your name isn't Kat. It Satana. We're thought to be Satan's children because of the power we posses. You were first born. So you were named Satana. I was second, so I was name sinner. I you take away the 'a' at the end of you name and replace it with and 's', our name together make 'Satan's sinners'. Our mother loved us so much, she separated us to save us. She sent you to another dimension, due to how much more powerful you are compared to me. It was to obvious to them if you stayed. And me...she told them I wasn't Satan's child. She said she was to protect me. She died. Executed. Burnt to death. All for us. The person who killed her was our father. A shameful person" By now Sinner was in tears.

Deidera looked pitiful. Sasori looked....Sasori. I was boiling over with anger.

"I'll kill the bastard" I growled demonically.

He gasped.

"You've already awakened Mya?"

"I didn't. She awoke herself." I looked a head of me "come on. I need to spend time with my bro."

I pulled his hand and a electric pulse went through us.

'What the hell?' I heard.

It wants me thinking it, and it wasn't Mya. Kusai! Sinner and I have linked minds. I looked at him. He was smirking.

"Who's this Gaara guy?"

I looked to the floor.

"Hopefully a guy changed for the better."

I sensed his smirk wiped off his face. He walked towards me and gave me a hug.

"Your lover?" He asked.

I nodded but didn't hug back. I pulled away and started walking. Everyone followed after, Sinner was able to catch up to me.

For the whole journey back, we stayed in an awkward quiet. By the minute the air was getting heavier as if it was to suffocate us.


It was night time now. We were back at the hideout. Since there was no more spare rooms, Sinner had to share a room with me. I looked out of the window unable to sleep. So I just bleached out. I felt fidgeting besides me, Sinner was staring right at me. I didn't look back but, I did sigh.

"Did I wake you?" I asked.

I felt him shake his head.

"I couldn't sleep."

I turned towards him and laid down with him. I pulled him in to a soft hug and stroked his snowy white hair.

"Do not stand at my grave and weep,

I am not there,

I do not sleep,

I am a thousand winds that blow,

I am the diamond glints on snow,

I am the sunlight on ripened grain,

I am the gentle Autumn rain" I sung.

He looked at me tiredly.

"Thanks" he whispered before dropping asleep.

I sat up once again and stared out of the window. Then out of no where, I saw Gaara and Itachi in the distance. I cloned myself and told her to stay with Sinner. I transported outside in front of Gaara. I pulled him in to a tight hug straight away. He didn't hesitate to hug back. Tears of joy poured from my cheeks. I felt droplets on my neck, Gaara was crying as well.

"Just like I said 'only this girl can make a guy cry'" I mumbled in his neck. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too" he replied putting his chin on top of my head.

"Thank you so much Itachi!" I cried hugging him.

He hesitantly hugged back.

"Hey, you weren't gonna leave me out of this, were you?" I heard a voice.

I turned around slowly to see Sinner. Gaara was instantly on guard.

"Calm down Panda, he my little twin brother. I'd very much appreciate it if you didn't kill him."

"Ha, like he could" Sinner scoffed.

"Sinner" I growled.


"His name's called Sinner?" Gaara asked.

I smiled and nodded.

"And I found out my actual name was called Satana" I grinned.


Instead of telling him the whole story, I poked his forehead sending my memories of what Sinner said. He nodded slowly.

"I was just wondering how you hair got white" he said as if he figured it out.

I smiled softly and hugged him.

"Aww, nee-san's in love" Sinner teased.

I was over there putting him in a head lock and rubbing his head with my knuckles softly.

"Let go!" He shrieked in fake pain.

I let go and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Close you mouth, Orchimaru might stick his tongue down your throat" I stated.

Everyone made a disgusted face. Including myself.

"What a mouth, Satana" Gaara tested.

I shook my bum at him. He slapped it, so I squealed.

"Gaara!" I gasped.

Itachi chuckled a bit before coming over.

"The sun's going to come up. I'll let you see him tomorrow night. Come on Gaara" Itachi told us.

I gave Gaara a passionate kiss on the lips before going in to get ready. Sinner followed of course. I sighed as I felt lonely again. Well not as lonely as I used too, Sinner's here now.

I just want to get this mission over and done with so I can go home. Or possibly Suna.

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