Chunnin exams? Hell yeah! Pt 1

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Today was the Chunnin exams. This is gonna be a breeze! I wonder if Gaara would be there? My new bestie! Maybe not bestfriend but we're getting there....

I jumped out of bed, ecstatic over the exams. I may not be the brightest, but I know how to do everything here. From being the Hokage to making the best ramen in the village. It's a shame that in a months time Satrobi has to die. Everyone knows that I know what's gonna happen in the future. So they'd be disappointed in me.

I threw myself out of bed and carried myself to the bathroom. I did the normal routine and came out of the bathroom. I couldn't stop thinking of how everyone has been so good to me. Even the Hokage. He was like a father I never had. I love everyone in this dimension, and I'm really going to hurt them. I wanted to think of happier things so I thought about changing my outfit for the next part of the Chunnin's.

'Hm.....all I've been wearing is what I came to the village in' I thought.

I rushed down the stairs and grabbed an apple. I walked to the door and opened it. Stepped outside and breathed in the beautiful, fresh air. Today I wanted to try out how my transportation jutsu was doing. The results were amazing! ......I landed on my face.....

I walked through the doors and saw a load of ninjas glaring at me. I just smiled at them, making them confused. Then I put on a look saying not to mess with me. Some of them sorta coward away. Some of them acted like nothing happened.

I could see Gaara checking out Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Mostly Sasuke though. They were looking up statuses. My eyes flicked over to them really quickly when I heard them say they wanted to know about me. I activated my extended senses. My ears picked up everything kilometres away. But I only strengthen it a bit so I could hear them.

"Kat Ai, well there's not really anything about her like Gaara. All I see on her is that she's been on one d-ranks, two c-ranks and an amazing 5 b-rank missions!" Kabuto exclaimed.

Now I knew everyone was listening because it was quiet and he was speaking quite loud. I deactivated my extended senses and closed my eyes showing no emotion. My eyes shot open at Kabuto and I did a icily glare at him. He was looking clear at me and coward a bit. I turned my back to him.

"I don't like traitors Kabuto" I said to him.

He gasped a bit. I just smirked at his reaction. I walked to where I saw Gaara.

"Twerps" I grumbled.

"Tell me about it" The siblings said sinuously.

Gaara glared at them. I snickered and climbed on Gaara's back. I covered his eyes and he started sniffing. I think...he's trying to find were the other two are. Because they went. On the other side of me that is. Gaara turned around and grabbed both of their arms.

"Calm now Johnny son" I cooed.

"Nani?" Gaara asked.

"Oh right. I forgot you don't come from my dimention" I mumbled really quietly.

I uncovered his eyes so he could look at me. I did a grin at him and took out a cookie. Ironically his stomach growled.

"I can't eat. I'm gonna vomit" he contemplated.

"Well you can't fight on a empty stomach" I countered with a smirked on my face.

He sighed knowing I was right. I felt some ones stare on me behind. I looked obviously. But I felt something on my hand. Gaara had the cookie and my hand in his mouth.

"Ewwy, ewwy, eww!" I complained.

I tried pulling my hand from his mouth and I ended up on the floor.

"Ow. Ew" I whispered loud enough for them to hear.

Temari helped me up and wiped of all the saliva on her clothes.

"Thanks. And eww" I said the last bit to Gaara with a fake disgusted face.

He smirked and I hugged him. I started anime crying in his shirt.

"Why?! Why must you put your saliva on me? I never done anything to you!" I cried over dramatically.

He was just staring at me like I was crazy. But I completely agree with him.

"Nani? I was just acting" I mumbled wiping Gaara's saliva back on him.

He frowned at me.

"Why are you wiping it on me?" Gaara asked.

"Cuz it belongs to you."

I wiped the last bit of it in his face. He just groaned, annoyed with me.

"Look! They're fighting!" I gasped.

All three of their heads moved over to the sound ninjas beating the crap out of vomiting Kabuto. I didn't bother watch, so I laid myself on the desk and had a really quick power nap.

"Will you sound ninjas stop? You will not be allowed in the chunnin exams if you fight before we say you can!" Ibiki shouted.

I fell of the desk.

"Hey Ibiki! Shut the hell up or I'll kill!" I bellowed with fire in my eyes.

Ibiki cowered a bit and swallowed the lump in his throat.


"I was trying to sleep dumbass!" i yelled at him.

"Okay!.....Everyone the first test will be written."

We all sat at our desk and we had a piece of paper in front of me. I boy wearing blue clothing sat next to me and on the other side of me was Gaara. Do you know how awesome i am? I'm so awesome that i have a photographic memory. And to think you know everything about me....

"Ha, your such a pathetic girl" the boy in blue scoffed.

"Hn, what ever you say..." I grunted not really caring.

Honestly I thing I'm bipolar. Nah!

"You're going to die."

"Shut up.....or I'll kill you" Gaara and I growled.

He looked down at his hands and started to fiddle. I smirked at him then turned to Gaara widening my smirk.


"Hn" I mimicked.

His lips picked up a bit. I bonked him on his head.

"Boo ya!"

He looked at me and did the same. He smirked and I punched him playfully.

"So how you gonna cheat the test?" He asked.

"I have a photo graphic memory" I smiled.

He sighed.

"I have to use chakra and you don't" he moaned.

I grinned and kissed his cheek. I gave him a look saying 'don't worry'.

"Begin!" Ibiki shouted.

"How many time do I have to say don't shout or I'll kick your ass?!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry!"

I looked at my and saw it was pretty easy. I did a jutsu so no one can cheat of my work. I quickly did the answer and looked over to Gaara. I turned over my paper and started to relax like I was on the beach. I looked over at Gaara again.

"Number fifty-eight" one of the Chunnin's called.

I was number fifty-eight.

"No. I'm not" I stated with my eyes closed "you're just picking out the kids who look weak. I finished my test half an hour ago and turned over my sheet."

That sure put him to shame.

"You're right. Gomen" he apologised .

After a while I stood up and started walking down the isle to the bathroom. Chunnin's followed me.

"Come with me to the bathroom, and that will be the last place you'll be in" I threatened.

"Leave her. She's finished" Ibiki whimpered.

I carried on my way to the bathroom and freshened up really quickly. I came back to be stopped by guards. I easily put them in genjutsu an strolled past. Just then a jounin came in.

"The guards are put under genjutsu" he rushed.

Ibiki looked at me as did the rest of the people.

"They wouldn't move. Tattle tale" I hissed the last bit at the jounin.

He just smirked and walked off.

"Release" I said and walked back to the desk.

That was way out of line..." Little boy blue snickered.

Under the table I kicked his shin and stepped on his foot making sure I heard a crack. It was quite loud and Gaara smirked a bit.

"What's so funny?" I played innocent.

Little boy blue was hissing in pain right now, but it was quite amusing.

'What the fudge?! Why I'm I finding pain so funny? It not, it's horrid and I never wanted to go through it when my parents died in the car crash' I thought angrily.

"I think you broke my foot" little boy blue squeaked.

"Well that's just to bad" I smiled sadistically.

Okay, I know for sure that this isn't me. What the hell is going on?!

'Me, I'm whats going on' an evil voice laughed psychotically.

'Who the fuck are you miss 'me''? I hissed at her.

'Mya' she responded simply.

'Let me guess, you're a tailed-beast?' I asked with a bored tone.

I only heard a low chuckle.

'Indeed so' she said sickly.

"Hey, you alright?" Gaara questioned with a confused expression.

"Yeah, only that just now I found out I have a tailed-beast like you. Nothing much" I said nonchalant.

His eyes widened. I nodded slowly waiting for his to process what he just heard.

"Nani?!" He said awe-struck.


I started checking out my nails.

"You could be a problem with the mission.." He mumbled.

"Oh, I could go crazy like a stupid maniac. But I much rather just stop you and Shukaku with my own power" I laughed.

"How did-?"

"I know what's gonna take place In the future" I cut him short.

Only then did I take my eyes from my nails and looked at him.

"I also know your past."

His face showed shock. But as soon as I saw it, it was gone.

"Okay! Now for the final question-."

I didn't bother listen till he said we passed.

"But how?! We didn't even have a tenth question!" Someone exclaimed.

Sounded like Sakura...

"Are you dunce? That was the last question. He was testing if you were willing to take the risk" I spoke up.

Ibiki nodded.

"So you're sayin that the whole test was pointless?!" Temari shouted in anger.

"Calm down Temari. The point of the written test was to see of you could cheat, in other words collected data from others. You see, some chunnin's are scattered around the hall, the first people to notice would collect the data from them. The other would soon realise that some has started writing answers. So they copy from them, and so on. It was to test you on how well you can gather data from an enemy" I finished taking a long, deep breathe from the long lecture.

"Oh" I said quietly.

Right about now I had my feet on the table looking at the ceiling with my hands behind my head.

"5....4....3....2....1" I counted.

On one I pointed at Ibiki. And if right on time, Anko appeared.

Everyone looked at me in shock, but was in the same position looking at the ceiling.

"Seventy-eight! Ibiki, you've grown to soft" she teased.

"I have not!"

"Have too" I butted in.

"Don't worry, I'll have half of what there is there" she said smugly.

"Alright maggots! The next part of the exams is 'The forest of doom'. That's Kat's favourite place!" She grinned enthusiastic pointing at me.

"Nice to see ya Anko!" I grinned with thumbs up.

••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~ time skippy~~~~~~~~~~••••••••••

I now have my scroll and I'm at my gate number. She shouted 'go' and I ran in instantly. Suddenly I had the urge to see blood. Ironically I saw a team. I raced up to them.

"Gimme your scroll or I'll make you" I grinned sadistically.

"Ha. You're out numbered" one of the boys scoffed.

The other two agreed.

"Alright. I'll make your deaths long and painful then" I growled.

I lunged at them with my kunai. The boy was first, I put the kunai through his shoulder and dug it in to the tree. He let out an ear piercing yell and I grinned at him.

I looked at the other trembling two. I went for the blonde girl and did the ice style: ice dome. Somehow the boy with his shoulder lodged In the tree escaped and leaped in the dome with the other boy. I moved around the dome at rapid speed and threw senbon a at them. My grin only widened when each of them dropped dead on floor. I took their scroll and it wasn't the opposite to mine. I threw it back at them. Looks like I'll be able to quench my thirst for blood after all. I released the dome, seeing the sand sibings. They gawked at the dead bodies.

"Did you do that?" Gaara asked in disbelief.

"You see their blood on me don't you?" I answered with a question.

I threw the scroll at them.

"I got more killing to do" I smiled innocently.

"Me to" Gaara said.

His eyes were suddenly lustful. I smirked.

"I'll let you have one but leave the other two to me" I negotiated.

A sadistic smirk appeared on his face. I led the way and found another team. A sick smiled formed on my face as I threw kunai's that landed right smack bang on two of the ninja's necks. I did it so hard that the were hooked to a tree. Gaara did sand coffin and crushed the last one. Luckily the scroll flew at his meaning that the crushed boy had it. The lust in Gaara and I's eyes were gone. I covered my mouth as I caught the scroll.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my fucking gosh! I'm such a bad person" I cried.

Gaara tried calming me down and transported to the tower.

'I'm a killer' was what I kept repeating aloud.

"Shhh!" He cooed.

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