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505 14 1

I smiled at him breathing heavily. Even though I wanted his to stay her with me and rest, he had to go otherwise he'll be in danger. The opened to reveal Pain. He cover his eyes.

"Oh my shit!" He yelled and shut the door to lock it back.

I stared at the door an shrugged. Lil bro was next to open the door, but wasn't screaming.

"Aren't you freaked out by this?" I asked.

"No. Why should I?"

"Well there's a naked boy on top of you naked sister and you can already tell we've don't it" I explained.

He nodded and grabbed something on the side and stared at us, seemingly in a deep thought. I looked around the room awkwardly. 

"Er, mind coming out so we can get changed?" Gaara asked quietly.  

Gaara was all red in the face. I couldn't even see his hair line. 

"Aww, Gaara's embarrassed!" 

He tucked his head into my shoulder and asked again. Sinner finally left. 

"I''ve never seen you get embarrassed before. You look so kawii!" I gushed. 

He rolled his eyes as I continued to yap on. He shut me up by putting his lips on mine. I slowly melted into the kiss, savoring every moment. 

"Come on. We got to get changed" he said huskily. 

I shivered as he said it. He got off me so we could get changed. when we did, we chatted for about fifteen minutes. Then he had to leave. Leaving is obviously hard to do but we all have to do this at one point, right?

I kissed him goodbye and he left in the golden sand he travels as. I don't get it. How can he travel as yellow sand if his hair is red? Then his eyes are sea green. Do you get it?

I got back on to the bed and stared at the ceiling. I could have gotten out of here but, I just wanted to be alone. Before I knew it it was night time. Around midnight. 

Just then Sinner came in. He hopped in bed with me. 

"Sing that song again" He demanded. 

"Don not stand at my grave and weep, 

I am not there, 

I do not sleep, 

I am a thousand winds that blow, 

I am the diamond glints on snow, 

I am the sunlight on ripen grain, 

I am the gentle Autumn rain." 

Not long after the song, Sinner was sleeping. I sighed and kissed his forehead. 

"Goodnight Sinner" I whispered.

I stared at the moon all night.

--------------------------------------Time skippy

"Get off Sinner! Oh my gosh! Sinner are you okay?" I heard Konan. 

"I was. She didn't do anything but put me to sleep singing a lullaby" He stated emotionless. 

I pulled him closer to me and started to play with his snowy hair. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, he encouraged it. Konan was about to draw him back but, he snapped his teeth at her. Her hand instantly pulled back. I frowned. 

"Hey Sinner, what's wrong?"

"She tried to touch me. Only you can touch and hug me."

Okay, somethings not right.

"What tailed beast wielder does Kakashi Hatake have in his team?" I asked. 

"Naruto Uzumaki" he answered almost instantly.

I glared at him. Or rather his tailed beast.

"What did you do to Sinner over night?"

He laughed evilly. 

"Why sister, has your sight gone? I'm in front of you."

"Get back into your cage biju!" I growled inhumanly. 

He laughed again. Just more evilly. I'm going to kill that biju, what ever one it is! Just in a fashion that won't kill Sinner...

"What are you going to do about it" It taunted. 

Somehow it spooked my memories.


"Try harder!" Dad shouted. 

He hit me hard in my gut and smirked. 

"What you gonna do about it?" 

I glared at him and sighed. 

"Try harder." 

He went into punch me again but with much more impact. I flew backwards and coughed up some blood. I wiped it off and stood up steadily. 

He scoffed. 

"How are you going to make the village believe that your not a demon if you can't even land a hit on me training? If your not strong enough, then you won't be able to fight for the village and gain their trust. Sinner's doing better than you and he's younger."

I hated how he compared me to my Little brother. I love him with all my heart and he's being bullied into getting beaten up by dad in training. Dad's favourite phrase was 'what you gonna do about it?' when he hurt us. Just because he was a boy, he's suppose to be the strongest of us. 



Hey guys!

Because my doctor says i have insomnia I need more rest! So when I come home from school I have to sleep and that takes up most of my day. I don't even get in trouble with homework because teachers are aware. And trust me, the teachers are STRICT! All i did once was pull out my iPod to check the time and the confiscated it. They didn't even let me turn it off so the battery wasted. So yeah...the chapter wont be long anymore. I have test on all subject soon (When we go back to school). So I have to study...

None the less I love everyone of you that read this (in a friendly way). 

Thank you and Goodnight/ morning/afternoon!


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