"HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MINE" said the fangirls

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Gaara of course had to go back to work. I dreaded that. But soon I was released after they got a little information about the baby. I bet you they got most of it wrong. I could tell them but I won't. I'm just evil like that. I'm not actually evil but you get the joke.

I got my clothes and got ready to go. Not once did I look at my engagement ring. In my head I kept say, 'it was a dream. Stop going in about it.' Silly, right?

I eventually look and squealed happily. I'm going to get married to Gaara. Just as I finished changing, a few of Konoha's squads popped through the door. And guess what? My best friends Naruto and Kiba were standing there.
I opened my arms.

"Kiba, Naruto...I'm a bit chilly. Can I have a hug?" I grinned.

They immediately did but the baby kicked them. Hard. Ow, that hurt. Even they were clutching their stomach.

"Sorry, baby doesn't know you voice yet" I smiled apologetically. Despite that, they went to hug me but from the sides.

"You got pregnant and didn't tell me?" Kiba sniffed.

"I'm sorry. I only found out yesterday."

"You're a jinchurii (sp) as well aren't you?" Naruto asked scratching his hair.

"Oh yeah! How could I forget about that?" I mumbled.

Naruto frowned, "how could you?"

I rolled my eyes and made my way to Gaara along with then tagging with me. We were suddenly surrounded. By normal people. They were angry, most of them I reconsied as fangirls and fanboys. I shook my head and carried on my way. The fangirl caught me though. As for Kiba and Naruto, not to good. They were already on the floor surrounded by macho boys. They were actually scared.

"You stole Gaara!"

"And Naruto and Kiba!"

My eyebrow slowly rose. "What?"

"You stole all the boys in the vilage!" Someone pushed me.

"Well I'm engaged so you can have them. It's not up to me if they like me. I don't find myself attractive but there you go" Was my reply.

I got up and went over to help the two boys who were being selflessly thwacxked everywhere. "We actual;ly love Gaara!" One of the girls screamed. I froze.

"If you loved him you wouldn't have ignored him when you were younger. You wouldn't have said he was a monster" Then I proceded with what I was doing.

The boys finally broke free and stumbled after me.

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