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After a little while of walking around with Sinner on my back, we found somewhere to eat. Sinner ordered over twenty dishes. I couldn't blame him though. But everyone stared at him as if to say 'damn dude!' Gaara and I ate watching him in amusement, then he started to choke. I hit his back. Big, long piece of hotdog was coughed back on to him plate.

"Sinner" I scolded.

He whimpered like a little wolf, but of course, we can turn into wolves. Gaara just carried on staring completely entertained.

"Hey, isn't that the Kazekage?" People finally noticed.

I'm sure it should have been that hard to figure that one out, I mean, look at his long, fierce red hair. Can't really miss that, can you? Suddenly the table was surrounded by a bunch of fangirls and boys. I stood up on my seat.

"Shut the fuck up and eat!" I howled at them.

All of them silenced themselves and walked back to their seats.

"Wow" Gaara mumbled, you could see how annoyed he was.

Then there was Sinner. He paid no attention to what just happened because he was stuffing his face. My eyes landed on a rib. I grabbed it but Sinner grabbed it as well. We began to growl dangerously at each other.

"It's mine" I sneered.

"I'm the one who starved them self waiting for you!"

"And guess what? I did!"

"I'm the youngest!"

"Didn't you know the youngest get fed last!"

Then it was snapped in half by our brutal strength. We happily ate it. Gaara frowned at us.

"You guys are wierd..." He stated the obvious, but sure he knew he did.

I nodded and continued eating. The last bit of meat sat on the table. It was HUGE! Medium rare stake. Sinner and I mouth began to water. Then Gaara used his knife to slice it equally for both of us. As thanks, I gave him a bit of it knowing he'd want it. Sinner and I finished in about ten seconds.

"Nee-chan! I'm still hungry!"

"You're never gonna be full, so no more food."

He rolled his eyes at me.


We headed back to the Kazekage building.

"So what now?"

"I've gotta work."

"I'll help you tomorrow, just spend time with us today."

I gave him puppy dog eye which he could resist. But then I caught Sinner checking out a girl. A mischievous smile went in my face as did Gaara's too.

The girl was pretty. I had to admit. Wavy brown chestnut hair right down to her waist. Also, she wasn't useless, she was a ninja. She wore a black v-neck shirt with the fish net vest top underneath, ninja shorts that only went up to her lower thigh and fish netted thigh high socks.

Girl! Sinner was checking. her. out! I buried my head in Gaara chest and squealed in it so Sinner wouldn't hear. I was totally doing the happy dance in my head.

"Gaara!" I whispered excitedly.

He nodded with a smile. I pushed Sinner towards her before disappearing in sand with Gaara.


What's this?! Sinner fell in love?!


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