Leaving to have a pervert all over me......

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I wake up to see I was in bed. It was around ten o'clock. So I got up and started packing my stuff away. I packed my hair brush, clothes, toothbrush ect.....

I got ready and went down stairs. I was kinda hungry, I cooked a little ramen and put it into a container.

I suddenly remembered that I had a scroll with stupid Ryuk in it. I took out the rolled up scroll and summoned Ryuk. A big monster with red eyes popping out of his head and her black body cringed appeared in some smoke. He coughed a bit.

"What th-. Oh hello" he said awkwardly.

I waved.

"Hi, Ryuk....."

He stared at me.

"How do you know my name, human girl? Why don't you have a Death note with you? How did I even get here?!" He freaked out.

I sighed and grabbed an apple for him.

"Oooooo! Apples!" I grinned.

"Mhm! Now you can have as many as you want, IF you stay quiet" I told him.

He nodded and took the apple from me. I pack a whole load of apples for him and put my hot ramen in the bag too. I flung it over my shoulder and walked to the door.

"Come on" I said to a greedy Shinigami.

Ryuk followed. I opened the door to see Gaara sitting at the door. He looked up at me.

"Remember what I said. And don't come after me" I whispered.

I kissed him softly before standing.

"I will always love you. Goodbye" I told him.

"I love you to" he said.

I smiled before transporting to the edge of the village. I saw Itachi.

"You were suppose to come before the chunnin's" he said coldly.

I froze.

"I was out for that long!" I whisper shouted.

He showed no emotion, but his eyes held confusion. He shook his head.

"Deidera will accompany you there. Sasuke's coming" he told me quietly before disappearing.

Sasuke and Sakura came into sight. I stared at them. They stared at me and my duffle bag.

"Thank you" Sasuke said using this moment to knock Sakura out.

He then put her on the bench and came behind me. He raised his hand but I ducked and tripped him up.

"I'd very much like to go to the Akatasuki on time thanks" I told him. But secretly I put a piece of paper in his shirt. He played along and grimaced. I went right next to his ear.

"That's my address, let's keep in touch" I whispered.

If we were gonna leave, we might as well keep each other company. He nodded slightly and I got up. He followed and I transported into the forest were I knew Deidera was watching me. I put a hand on him. Ryuk suddenly appeared out of no where. Deidera turned around and panicked.

"What the hell is that?!" He whisper shouted.

I smiled innocently.

"My summoning that can kill if he wanted to."

He went pale.

"He can kill me! Art is an explosion!"

"Oh that doesn't count for him. He can kill you and not get hurt. All he's got to do is write you name down in a book and in 40 seconds....you're dead" I smiled sadistically.

He nodded slowly, scared out of his mind and scrambled forward away from us. I laughed with Ryuk and high-fived him. We followed Deidera to the gloomy dungeon called the hideout.


Every time Deidera had a chance, he wants to hit on me. Numerous time Ryuk's eyes went red making him back off. I threw Ryuk and apple. He caught it in his mouth.

"Lovely" he mumbled.

I'm hungry now and I've already eaten the ramen. Luckily, were a minute away so I can eat. Deidera put his arm around my shoulder and I growled. He took his arm away from my shoulder and silently whimpered. I smirked a bit. We finally arrived and he did hand signs to make the bolder move.

Every stared at me and Ryuk.

"I would stare at her if I were you" A beat up Deidera said.

I stared emotionlessly at them. They still stared. My eyes were showing annoyance and anger and a look saying 'stare at me any longer, then I will tear you eyes out of your sockets.'

Only then did they dare not to challenge me.

"Whimps" I muttered under my breath. They all glared at me probably hearing what I said.

"Yeah, and what?!" I yelled at them.

They looked taken back and looked down.

"Kat" a deep voice said.

I looked to my side to see Pain.

"Hi, Pain! I will not call you Leader-sama so don't bother!" I said fake enthusiastically.

I glared at me, so I did it back. My glare was ten time worst than his. So he stopped. I smirked knowing that I won.

"And that is why you're beau-ti-ful" Deidera said in the same tone as the 1D song.

I rolled my eyes and looked to my side to see Pain was gone.

"Hi! I'm Konan! I'll show you to your room."

I looked to the other side to see a blue haired girl.

"Hn" was all I did.

She lead me down a few halls till we stopped at a door.

"If you need anything, just ask. I'm right across from you!" She smiled.

I nodded and went in side my room to see Deidera in there. I pointed to the door. But he came over to me and put a finger under my chin. He leaned in closer and I kicked him were the sun does NOT.......shine.

He cringed to the floor holding his balls. Heheh.....balls.....heheh....

I stared to unpack as he finally came out.

I sighed of relief.


Sorry it's so short!

But I just came back from school finding out I was locked out and my mum is at work. I've been out here for TWO HOURS AND A HALF!

I got bored so I stared the next chappy.

Anyway, Sayonara!

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