Sweet Poison (10)

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We drove up to my house, stopping on the street.

I put my finger to my mouth looking at them all in dead seriousness. "Shhh everyone, be quiet as a mouse!" They nodded seriously all looking at me like  we were getting ready to do some important mission in the line of duty.

Together we got out the car, lightly shutting the doors and quietly scurried to my balcony. I looked at the balcony and was thankful that the girls had created a makeshift rope out of sheets before we had left for the party. If the girls had not made one, I'm pretty our secretive wild night would have ended right here.

The rope was tied to one of my balcony poles, so with a tight grip, I was the first one to begin to the climb to my second story room. The rain had eased up, but the rope was drenched from the previous heavy drizzle. That element combined with my weak arm strength made my trek upwards even more challenging. The girls all tried to cover their laughs every time I almost fell.

Nice to know that I have amazing friends. . .sarcasm.

What seemed like hours later, I finally gripped the railing. I smoothly jumped over the railing and tried to act like a spy when I landed, but ended up landing flat on my face. Alice, Trish, and Sarah saw and began to laugh loudly.

"Epic fail", Alice screamed, her voice echoing in the darkness. Trish and Sarah both shushed her. I grabbed the tennis shoes, that Alice and Sarah left out for me, and picked them up. They were completely soaked from the rain. The shoes were newsand now they looked so demolished that I didn't even know if they could be repaired without some drawbacks.

With a frown etched on my face, I grabbed the door handle, turning it, opened the door slowly. Cautiously, I peeked in. 

Not seeing anything that looked amiss, like a parent or brother waiting for my return, I turned to the girls. "The coast is clear", I whispered. They all nodded and started to climb up one by one. I went  to my bed and removed all the stuff they put under my covers so it would look like I was actually asleep.

After retrieving the random clothes, I put them on the floor and kicked it under the bed. They all came in drenched.

"We need clothes", Trish said with her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes at her haughty tone and dug in my drawers and threw them some clothes. While they changed, I dug in my closet and gave them some spare covers and pillows and went to bed.

 The sweet chirping of the morning warblers, usually would have put me in a great mood hearing them in the morning, but their loud squawking did the complete opposite. Each chirp made a shard of pain thump in my temple as I groggily woke up. I clenched my teeth, groaning lowly. The bird chirped again and I turned on my side, slowly peeling my eyes opening.

Sarah was laying right by me reading a magazine that my mom thought would help acculturate me into California society, something called Cosmopolitan or something. I had not touched it and it had been collecting dust until now.

 "Sarah what time is it?", I groaned, the blinding light coming from in-between my shades seemed to make my head pound even more.

"3 p.m., so get the hell up", she hissed lightly, eyes turning to me.

I squinted my eyes at her and propped myself up.  Alice and Trish were both sleep, complete knocked out on my cream carpet. "Why do you seem all peppy and alert" ,I mumbled.

"Because I ,let me emphasize that, didn't drink cause I was the driver and I'm actually glad I didn't", she said flipping through pages. "You look like you're having a major hangover."

So that's what this was.

"Elissa!" My mom screamed from outside my room, making me cringe and cradle my head.

"What!" I shouted angrily at her yelling, but regretted instantly when my temple throbbed. Never again would I get drunk like that. The major low was horrible.

"Come downstairs", she screamed back. Her voice seemed to echo and I groaned again, making Sarah laugh lightly from beside me.

Softly, I sighed and went downstairs. She was in the kitchen, grabbing the keys to our other car and throwing her purse over her shoulder. "Honey I'm going to the store I'll be back in a hour", she told me, tapping her fingers on the counter. I nodded but all I could think about was how loud that tapping was.

Moments later, my brother galloped down the stairs listening to music and opened the fridge. I could hear his music from his headphones ringing in my ear. My sister walked into the kitchen, texting of course. "I'm going with you mom", she said still looking at her phone, thumbs going across the screen record beating fast. Her thumbs pounded against the screen, making me screw my eyes shut in pain.

Everything was too loud.

I heard someone in my room moving around, and I could almost hear Sarah flipping through the channels. Tightly, I closed my eyes and cupped my hands around my ear trying to calm my raging head but it just seemed to amplify as everyone made noise around me. 

Austin's music blared with the tapping of my mom's fingers on the counter, while Isabelle's pounding on her keypad combined into one until I just couldn't take it.

" WHY IS EVERYBODY SO LOUD!" I screamed abruptly.

Immediately, my eyes opened in shock at my outburst. Austin, Isabelle, and my mom were all staring at me like I belonged in a mental institution.

"What the hell is your problem?" My brother raised an eyebrow coolly, opening his can of soda.

The noise of the can popping open and then fizzing made me cringed, but I looked at them and began to fake laugh. "I was just, just kidding. . .I'm going to go upstairs now. . .", I said backing up, motioning with my thumbs.

Still looking at me oddly, my mom nodded pensively, "you do that. . ."

Quickly, I went up stairs feeling like a complete idiot. Yep I would definitely never drink like that again. I walked into my room and noticed everyone was now awake. Sarah was laying on my bed, Trish was sitting at my computer chair now reading the Cosmopolitan, and Alice was laying on the carpet looking at TV. I sulked to my bed and sat down.

Trish eyed me from her spot at the chair. Her cool brown eyes stared at me intently. "So how was that kiss yesterday?" She asked taking a nail file out of her bag and filing her nails.

"It was, was . . . wow." I was at lost of words on how to describe the kiss, yet I felt uncertain saying anything in front of Trish that might set her off.

She rolled her eyes at my statement, a malicious look glinting on her face, before she smirked at me. "Mmm, well you know he made out with me earlier right?"

My eyes widened in shock. Turning my head, I looked at Sarah who said that Eli wouldn't go back to Trish. She looked equally shocked. She frowned, shaking her head in confusion, and shrugged. I looked at Alice for an answer but she just frowned at me. My attention turned back to  Trish who was now full on smirking.

I bit my lip feeling like my heart was sinking. "What?", was the only word able to come out my mouth.


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