Sweet Poison (32 & 33)

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"So what are we going to do today?" I asked trying to get this whole messed up situation out of my head.

Wade, my ex who had completely dragged me through the mud, was now staying in the same house with me. He had confessed he still had feelings for me and wanted another shot. I now have a new boyfriend who is way more attractive and has this weird effect on me since every time I look at him, I get this weird fluttery feeling in my chest, but I like the feeling. I like it a lot. On top of that, back in my room I could already feel the hostility radiating from both of the boys. With Wade wanting me back, Eli having a very bad temper and threatening to beat Wade into a bloody pulp if he tries something, I can only imagine the storm that will surely occur in the future because it will. I was sure of it and I knew this was the calm before the storm.

He shrugged, his warm hand finding mine. "Uh-er I don't know probably just hang out with Shelby."

I sighed, feeling like shaking him and yelling in his face that I didn't like Shelby. But she was his best friend and I didn't want to be one of those insecure, over-bearing girlfriends who couldn't accept the fact that my man had friends that weren't guys. Trying to mask my disappointment, I stared ahead at the passing suburban scenery. "Oh really is Dylan going to be there?"

Eli laughed. His velvety laughter made my stomach tighten and once again that weird fluttery sensation ignited in my chest. "Um no, Dylan is kind of busy."

"How?" I questioned, biting my lip. Despite the euphoria Eli gave me just by being in his presence, I couldn't help but feel gloomy. Now, there wouldn't be an mediator in the group if we hung out with Shelby, just her, Eli, and I. They would probably talk my freaking ear off about their memories and shit I really didn't care about.

Halting at a stop sign, he smirked at me. The hazel in his green eyes seemed to swirl with mischief. "What he is always doing:  finding different girls to harass."

"He's like a little you in the making..." I pondered knowing Dylan was a horny adolescent with too much testerone at heart.

Eli snorted. "Yeah but I have skill. Whining until a girl finally gives in is not a good skill."

I laughed. "Stop talking about your brother."

We arrived at his house and with a light groan, I stared out the windshield. The minute the car stopped  I could already hear Shelby's big mouth coming from the backyard since the windows were rolled down. My mood just seemed to plummet. I didn't really trust Shelby being with Eli, as I said before she's gorgeous and it's this look that she gives me when I'm around Eli and her that makes me wart. It gives me goose bumps the way her eyes darken and glint, like she's calculating something wicked in her mind, all the while pointing out all my flaws and letting me know that she does not approve of my presence. Her patronizing glare makes me feel even more insecure with her being around Eli and Eli's obviousness makes it even worse.

Surprising me, Eli opens my door for me and with a tiny smile I try my best not to mope out. "Never thought I would see the day Eli showed some chivalry."

With a shrug, his eyes now a deep emerald he eyes me appreciatively. "I had to do something to see you smile, you looked upset."

"I'm not" I smoothly lie, quickly looking away so he wouldn't be able to see if I was lying or not. The door shuts behind me and Eli throws an arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer to him. The masculine scent of strictly Eli invades my senses and for a second I'm lost, but once he begins his lazy stride to the backyard I'm back to reality. 

Eli had just opened the wooden door of his backyard gate, when I decided to ask him a question that has been bothering me every since I realized that Shelby may like Eli more than she's letting on. The sun ray's beat down on us as I stopped. Eli sensing my immobilization, paused in his his footstep and swiveled around to me. With one eyebrow raised in a questioning manner and the sun's beam highlighting the swirl of green and brown in his eyes, I briefly wondered how I managed to snag a guy as attractive as Eli, but quickly brushed the thought away. "Eli have you ever liked Shelby?"

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