Sweet Poison (34)

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Eli was already awake when I got up. With a pensive expression morphing the mouth watering features of his face, he stared down at me with tiny smirk when our eyes connected.

 "How long have you been up?" I yawned, wiping the sleep out of my eye.

 He shrugged. "About a hour."

 I nodded and stretched and then turned to him with a smile. "So what are we going to do today?" I smiled.

He shrugged again "I don't know."

Okay so I was getting nothing from Eli. With a sigh, I looked at the floor. There was a knock on the door and in walked Shelby. Just my luck.

 Her eyes brightened when they looked over Eli. I didn't miss the hungry spark that ignited in her eyes. However when her eyes flicked to me, her expression changed completely. The lustful stare turned into a leer of contempt.

Like always, Eli was oblivious to the situation. "Hey Shelbs", Eli greeted and propped himself up. 

In confusion and a little annoyed, I turned to him. A minute ago he was acting all gloomy now he's all happy. What the fuck,

 "Hey",she said walking in and nonchalantly sitting in between me and Eli.

Barely missing her ass cheek from landing on my side, I looked at Eli kind of upset and he immediately got the point. "You want me to drive you home?" He asked.

Well at least I thought he got the point. With a flat look, I replied feeling kind of let down. "Sure." I didn't dare look at Shelby who I know would be gloating big time. Quickly he got dressed and we walked downstairs. As we drove home the car ride was silent except for the occasional song that would blare through the speakers between radio commercials. With my arms crossed, bitterly I stared as he drove. I didn't know rather to be at mad at myself for completely being passive to the situation or upset at Eli since being my boyfriend he should've got my hint, but boys were oblivious. They didn't know subtlety. Unless you literally pointed a fact out to them they would never get it. "Eli I'm just going to stay home today. I'm starting to get a head ache." And I was. Throughout the entire car ride I had silently moped, my mind going wild with thoughts and emotions.

"Okay",he said giving me a kiss. Even if I was still slightly upset that Eli was oblivious, I still felt the sparks when our lips connected and the weird, funny feeling still came over me.

"Mom." I called walking into the house on my way to the kitchen. "Where is the Advil?"  With the slamming of Eli's car door and then my house door, the headache just seemed to have intensified.On top of the huge headache, I felt like just taking a huge nap. I wasn't going to let my worries of Eli and Shelby bother me anymore for the day. I trusted Eli even if everyone else was still waiting for him to mess up.

 "Sweetie it should be in my bathroom", she said drying off a plate. Her voice echoed in the lone kitchen, her back to me, and I nodded silently before making my way upstairs. It seemed that everybody was gone this morning. I was the only person in the house other than my mom who decided to stay home. Even though I knew she was staying home because she may have a small dose of OCD and felt like her house needed to be perfect for Wade and his family, I couldn't help but feel relieved that it was only me and her.

I walked into my parent's bathroom and opened the cabinet. The Advil wasn't there. Letting out a load groan of suffering, I threw my head back. "Mom it's not there!" I yelled from upstairs.

"Check your sister's room she had it last."

"You should of told me that first." I whispered to myself annoyed. I walked into my sister room and successfully found the Advil on her dresser. 

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