Sweet Poison (11)

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Trish eyed my expression before what appeared like satisfaction twinkled in her wicked brown eyes. "Yeah, that's right he made out with me before he talked to you", she smiled, leaning forward, clearing seeing amusement in this situation.

My mouth went dry and I just stared at her speechless. I took a big gulp. "Oh", I managed to get out. "What else happened?" I mumbled lowly, not wanting to know but feeling like I needed to know. Maybe the truth would somehow hit me into the right direction. Maybe it would knock some sense into me. A sinking feeling told me, though, that the truth would only hurt.

"We'll we obviously talked about our relationship and then after that we made out. . .I guess he just used you, maybe because you come off as easy."

I looked at her shocked by her comment. She was inadvertently calling me a slut. I didn't think I gave off that vibe because I knew I wasn't. Wade had been my first and the only guy I had sex with and that happened a year and half after we got together.

I pondered her words for a few seconds feeling like I wanted to scream and yell, but I didn't know what to say and how to take it. I was still a little stunned from what I heard. Maybe that's the reason he suddenly disappeared. I was boring him so he had to find Trish so he could have some real fun. I guess that nagging feeling had been right. He didn't feel the same way as I did and that kiss last night had just been something he found fun and spontaneous.

Trish sat back in the chair and adjusted her dirty blonde hair, smiling at me. "Me and him will be back together in no time", she chuckled.

I glanced at Sarah who was giving Trish a hard stare, and then I glanced at Alice who was looking at the carpet trying to do her best to stay out of it.

"Sarah can you drive me home, I feel like calling Eli", Trish sent a smile directly my way. Now, I knew she was trying to get under my skin and she was doing a pretty good job at it. She was rubbing it in my face that Eli didn't like me. Mutely I ignored her gloating stare, focusing all my attention on my yellow polished nails.

 Sarah looked at Trish, suppressed anger flashing in her eyes. "Sure", she hesitantly said, slowly getting off my bed and walking to her bag on my computer desk.

Alice and Trish both stood up. "I'll call you okay", Sarah said to me, gently patting my shoulder.

I gave my bed a hard stare not even looking up. "Okay", I whispered, dejection and defeat laced in my tone.

The sound of my bedroom door shutting alerted me to their exit. I looked at the door, before let out a weak sigh and laid on my bed looking at the ceiling. Maybe Trish was right. I'm am easy. . .no I'm not I just stupid. Why did Eli kiss me if he didn't even like me.

Because you're a fun time, I thought bitterly.

I groaned lowly, my pounding headache long forgotten. I liked Eli and Trish knew that so it was a real bitch move Trish pulled on me.

I should have of said something or at least tried to stick up for myself when she conspicuously called me a slut. If my mom would have saw the situation she would have reprimanded me instantly. "Your mama don't raise pushovers" she would've said. But I had been a pushover and Trish had ran right over me and got to me at the same time.

My thoughts turned to Eli who had given me the most mind blowing kiss I had ever had. . .and in the rain. I should've figured he would have just been using me though . I mean I was just a country blonde chick, nothing special really. So it's not surprise that Eli would rather go with the queen bee of the school instead of one of her followers.

It's best if I avoid him to mend my broken feelings. I just won't talk to Eli anymore because he'll play with my feelings and ruin me. I'll just ignore him and won't talk to him ever again.

Yes you will. A side of my brain said, and I knew it was right.

 I quickly jumped off my bed and tried to clear my mind. There was too many things running through it and I just had to calm down. I took another sigh and laid back down on my bed.

I was hopeless.

* * *
 It was a Monday morning as I shuffled around my room getting ready for school and desperately trying to keep my mind off a green eyed bad boy who loved to play around with girls' feelings. I put on some skinny jeans torn at the knees and a little bit on the thigh and then threw on  a black, plain crew neck top, with some flip flops. My dragon red nail polish really did make my toenail pop but I really didn't car about that right now. Snappishly I chided myself for even thinking of something so trivial like nail polish at this moment.

I was angry at Eli and angry at myself for even falling for a guy like that. . .or been in the process of falling. Either way the idea was completely ridiculous. I had just been dumped by a guy who two months ago I couldn't get off my mind and now the one guy I couldn't get off my mind a month ago was as far away from my thoughts as possible. He was instead replaced by some boy I had just met. Shouldn't I be mending my broken heart, shouldn't I be in front of a TV watching The Notebook and eating ice-cream with used tissues surrounding me, shouldn't I be blasting music with some reason singing about getting over her ex. But instead I'm down in the dumps over a guy I had never had a relationship with to begin with.

But I want one with him though. . .ugh.

 "Today will be the day I get over Eli starting right now", I told myself, looking at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes dropped to my lips. Immediately, I  thought of the kiss from last night.

"Dammit!" I screamed.

"Okay I will not think about him that's a start", I coached myself determinedly. Proudly, I raised my chin and walked out the door only to have Austin collide into me. We both stumbled backwards flying into opposite hallway walls.

 "Watch it Elissa", he growled as he put on his tank, rushing into the bathroom. He was definitely at fault there but I couldn't help but look at his brown locks and think of Eli's equally dark hair.

"Dammit!" I stomped frustrated.

Austin looked at me from inside the bathroom, and raised an eyebrow before shutting the door like I was some type of threat.

 "Be ready in five minutes", he yelled through the door.

I ignored his words and hurried downstairs. "Okay Elissa no thinking about him. You can do this, you have great will power", I instructed myself, humming at the end. Sensing eyes on me, I looked up and my eyes connected to blue eyes just like mine. My sister was stared at me weirdly. 

"Okay . . ", Isabelle mumbled obviously trying to forget the fact that she just saw her older sister giving herself a pep talk and humming like I was meditating.  

I slapped my hand against my forehead. I was becoming a mess and my entire family was witnessing it. "Maybe I should start lighter, don't talk to him. . . that's it!" I once again raised my head in confidence and walked in the kitchen.

My best idea yet!

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