Sweet Poison (14 & 15)

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It had been two weeks since I had last talked to Eli. We ignored each other in the hallways and I think we both knew that our small quarrel wasn't worth all the ignoring that we did, but both of us were too stubborn to try and salvage what ever we had. I didn't even get to talk to him on the last day of school. A week after school ended I had talked to Sarah and found out where he lived. No I was not a stalker, I just really needed to talk to him.

 Since I found out  where he lived, I decided I was going to drive over to his house and talk to him. We never exchanged numbers and I was not into social networking, so that was the only way I could communicate with him. Yes, I know. What you don't have a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, what's wrong with you were one of the most constant questions I got. But I found the social networking sites a waste of my time and opted to just not create one for myself. Years later, I'm still doing ago. Anyways, driving to Eli's house was the smartest way to talk to him since he can't hang up on me or ignore my texts. . .he could always slam the door in my face, but I'm persistent. . .and I was hoping that wouldn't happen.

 I put on some blue-jean shorts and a pink V-neck short sleeved shirt with some converse. It was amazing how quickly you could grow accustom to your environment. "Mom I'm leaving", I announced my departure, opening the front door.

"Where are you going?", she asked walking down the stairs. 

 "Uh. . .Sarah's house", I lied. I knew my mom would blow a gasket if she knew I was going over a boy's house. Eli and I weren't going to do anything, but she would still blow up about it.

She nodded her head, finding my lie to be a good enough reason. "Oh have a good time and be back by 10", she said.

"Okay", I mumbled, feeling guilty about lying to her and rushed out the front door, before she asked any more questions and I had to lie to her again. If she knew I was going over to a guy's house she would freak out, like hysterics freak out, and that was something that I could rain check for a later date. The guilt, however, was a little more hard to evade.

I walked to Sarah's car and eased my way in hearing 'Spice Girls' playing on the radio. I didn't comment knowing Sarah was in to anything old and iconic. "Hey", I greeted, slamming the passanger door.

"Hey Elissa", she smiled at me before turning up the radio and starting the car. She bobbed her head, mumbling "tell me what you want, what you really really want."

"So are you ready to go to Eli's house?" She asked.

I nodded confidently. I really needed to talk to him and if he wasn't going to be the one to mend the ridge in between us, then I would be. I was capable of being the bigger person.

Sarah and I didn't really talk during the car ride instead we listened to music and sung the lyrics together, laughing the whole way through.

We were listening to the song "wannabe" by the Spice Girls, which Sarah had put on constant replay since I got in, when Sarah suddenly stopped at a large house.  It was a large tan house with a gate fence that led to an even large backyard.

"Are you sure this is Eli's house?" I asked, observing the house. To be truthful I didn't really see this house fitting Eli. It looked prestige and wealthy(ish), and sadly that was not how I pegged Eli. Brushing those thoughts away, I nervously wrung my hands. I was trying to calm my nerves realizing that Eli could slam the door in my face totally rejecting me or my plan could turn out better than I expected.

"Uh yeah this what Trish gave me", she replied, scanning a ripped piece of paper.

Taking a deep breath, I put my blonde hair in a high ponytail and opened the door. All I had to do was walk up his intimidating looking driveway, then up those threatening stairs, and knock on his ominous front door. That would be easy right? Right?

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