Sweet Poison (20 & 21)

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"What are you doing here?", I asked slowly. His eyes wandered over my attire and I quickly became aware that I was only wearing short shorts with a large shirt over it. I wasn't wearing a bra underneath and I hoped Eli didn't notice, but by the way his eyes darkened I knew he could tell. Self-consciously, I crossed my arms wishing that I didn't find bras so constricting to wear at night.

"Well you wouldn't answer my phone calls", he said with a slight smirk, eyes flicking to my chest again before they rested back on my face.

"I was sleep. . .why are you smirking?"

He shook his head, biting his lip. "No reason."

I rolled my eyes knowing fully he was lying and leaned against the wall. "Oh really?" I looked down and noticed just exactly what I was still wearing my tiger slippers and my hello kitty shorts. Not only that but at that moment my body thought it was very cold in here. I died a little bit inside. If Eli didn't notice me bra-less before, he definitely noticed now.

"This is so embarrassing", I mumbled to myself just wanting to turn around and bolt up the stairs.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about you look cute in your hello kitty shorts", Eli chuckled although I knew he really wasn't noticing the shorts but something else. . .

"Shut up. . .so are you going to that party?" I asked hoping that if I changed the subject than hopefully he would forget about my attire and I could make him leave quicker. I still was angry about last night.

He nodded sitting on one of the stools getting comfortable. Mentally I huffed. When a person starts getting comfortable, they're there to stay. "Yeah, what about you?"

 "Yeah I am. . .so are you going to leave." I walked further into the kitchen, thumbing to the walkway exit.

"Actually I was hoping that maybe we could try yesterday over."

I looked at him a little surprise by his suggestion. For a few moments I mulled the pros and cons of retrying before I just gave up. We were a couple and couples would fight. However the making up was what would consider if a couple made or didn't. So with a deep sigh, I gave him my answer. "Okay then what do you want to do?"

He shrugged a shoulder almost seeming shocked that I said yes. "Uh how about miniature golf?"

I smiled not even knowing there was something like that. My negative mood had disappeared like that and now I was excited to be going somewhere with Eli. I know I was hopeless. "That sounds like fun. . .I'll go get changed."

I walked upstairs and took a quick shower. I then changed into some shorts, a flowing top and some flip-flops. With one last look in the mirror, I pulled my blonde hair into a high ponytail.  Happily, I skipped downstairs

"Eli I'm ready!" I walked back into the kitchen expecting him to be sitting on the stool. He wasn't there.

Slowly,  I walked into the living room and he wasn't there either. It seemed like I had checked the whole house and he wasn't any where to be found.

 "What the fuck!" I screamed, mood plummeting, and stomped upstairs. My happy mood was now gone replaced with rage. He better now have left. Moodily, I plopped onto my bed and put my face into my hands.

The sound of my brother's loud laughter echoed through the hallway. My eyes narrowed.

"Austin!"I screeched and the next moment I was up on my feet. Face like thunder, I stormed to his room and walked up to his door. Without knocking, I swung the door open and to my fucking surprise Eli and him were both inside. Eli was sitting on one of his gaming chairs while Austin was laying on his stomach; they were both playing COD.

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