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Harry POV

As soon as I boarded my plane, I took out Steph’s present. I open it and I smile. It was her journals. There were 3 and I immediately started to read them. Each were written like the one she wrote in Italy, loving and full of compassion. I already miss her and I hope these three years go by quickly.


For the first year, all I did was reviewing my technique. The instructors were all older people who have fought professionally and I looked up to when I was younger. Half the time I was stubborn and I got yelled at and was forced to do more exercises after the camp was over.

My body build up has grown and I have grown to have my t-shirts that fit perfectly, now be skin tight and my muscles defined in each one. All the guys in the camp are like this and I hang out with them most of the time. In my alone time, I would read Steph’s journals and wish she was here, next to me, twisting my curls in her delicate fingers, trailing her pointer across my eyebrows, and kissing me with soft lips.

I smile as I walk into the main office to check out of my workout. Mindy, the secretary, has her stoic face on as usual, and doesn’t bother to acknowledge me. I grab my key to my cabin and make my way out. I continue the short walk and see a flash of blonde hair next to me. I do a double take and realize it was one of our instructors’ wives and sigh in defeat. I thought she came here to see me.

I get into the cabin and drop my bag next to the door. Travis, my roommate, is sitting on the couch with a protein shake that looks like barf.

“Hey mate,” he said, still focused on the TV screen playing in front of him.

“Hey,” I replied, walking into the kitchen.

“You know, we should sneak out and hit the club tonight.” I turn and see Travis walking in with a smile on his face.

“No, I can’t.”

“Aw, come on man. Live a little. You seem like the kind of guy who would.”

I turned and glared. “I used to be like that but I met someone. I am not going.”

He put his hands up in surrender. “Hey, it’s not my fault your lady controls you.”

I walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar. “Don’t you ever talk about her like that again! You don’t know her and she is the only one I want. Not some pick-up girl from the club!”

I let go of his collar and he didn’t move. “Well, what would happen if she cheated on you?”

I was angry. No, furious.

“Don’t even go there because that will never happen!”

He smiled. “How would you know? You’re not with her.”

Waiting For Tomorrow (Punk h.s.) [Completed]*Where stories live. Discover now