Ch. 24

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Harry POV

I do one thing out of my kindness and she’s mad. She left an hour ago to go to the mall. I couldn’t care right now, she’s mad over nothing and all I am trying to do is protect her. She has given me so much just by being with me and now she is treating me like I’m nothing.

Since Josh came back, I can’t stand the thought of him doing anything to her. I know what he is capable of and I don’t want anything to happen to her. If we move to England, she will be safer, but she is so stubborn and won’t come with me.

I grab my phone and walk to my car. I am fed up with all of this and I need to find her. I drive to the mall and walk in, searching for her blonde hair. I see her run out of a store and a guy follows her.


Her grabs her from behind and picks her up, spinning her around. I start to walk towards them and see Liam? What the hell?

Liam hugs her and she returns it. He kisses her forehead and I just about lost it. I ran up to them and pushed Liam off her.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

“She called me. Asking if I can come and cheer her up.”

“And so kissing my fiancée is cheering her up.”

“Harry,” Steph called. I didn’t pay any attention to her and continued talking to Liam.

“She’s mine! I don’t want you near her ever again.”

I saw him look back at her and gave her a puppy dog look.

“Harry, you can’t tell her who she can and can not see.”

I grab his shirt and pulled him to me. “Watch me.”

“Harry!” I turned and saw Steph walking to us. “You are out of control.”

“No I’m not! He was with you.”

She walked to Liam and stood next to him, my heart breaking at this. “He’s my friend and you are being really mean.”

“Yes, he was my friend too, but he is going after you.”

“Oh my God Harry! I wanted to be with someone other than you. You have kept me from the world for most of our relationship. Let me have some freedom.”

I am so infuriated with her. She has never been like this before.

“You know what?” I whispered, walking up to her.

“What Harry?”

“Don’t bother coming home tonight. Liam here will take care of you better.”

She gasped and tears spilled from her eyes. “Fine. You want something Harry. Here,” she said, taking her ring off and putting it in my hand. My heart broke, realizing I just caused all of this. Steph walked away and Liam just shook his head at me. He ran after her and I just stood there in awe at what I just caused.

I lost her.

Steph POV

This is not happening! He is so god damn protective and he blew it. I am so done with him and his shit that I want nothing to do with him. I hear Liam call me and I turned to see him running at me. He engulfs me in a hug and I cry into his chest.

“Shh, Steph. Please shh.”

“Can we leave?”

“Yes, do you want to come to my apartment? I just got it and I don’t think you should drive.”

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