Ch. 10

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Harry POV


"Harry," Steph whispered, placing a kiss to my neck.

I turned my head and saw her looking up at me. "You fell asleep in the bath tub."

The whole thing was a dream? It seemed so real. I looked at her hand and realized she still only had her promise ring on. Good, because that was a shitty proposal. I lifted her up and pulled the drain. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and wrap one around Steph. I hug her and kiss the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep. I was just so relaxed and happy to have you in my arms."

She smiled up at me and pecked my lips. "It's okay. I was about to too so I decided to wake you up so we could go to bed."

I kiss her forehead and lift her up bridal-style. I carry her into the bedroom place her to the floor gently. She drops her towel and walks into bed, completely naked. I feel myself getting hard, watching her skinny body move to be under the covers. I drop my towel and climb in on the opposite side of her. I wrap my arm around her and pull her to me.

"I love you," I say, kissing up her neck.

"I love you too baby."

I move a little and accidently hit her leg with my manhood.

"Babe?" I ask.

She responds by turning her body to face me completely, smashing my lips to hers in a passionate kiss. I respond quickly and wrap her in my arms. I move my hands to fan her hair above us, but still continue the kiss. She wraps her legs around me as I move to be on top of her. I move one arm down and place myself at her entrance. I move into her as gently as possible and go all the way in. She places her hands on my cheeks and I begin to move my hips in a slow circular movement. I move my head down and place kisses to her collarbones and neck. She is the only girl I have ever been gentle with and this slow with.


"Yes, do I need to stop?"

Every time she stops me, I feel as though I hurt her. I can't help but be cautious when I am with her.

"No, just kiss me."

I smile and lean to press a kiss to her lips. I keep it simple, only placing small kisses, never deepening it. She wraps her small arms around my neck and I place mine under her, placing my hands under her head. I hold her as if I am shielding her from the rest of the world. I can't lose her, now that I know want to be with her forever.

I continue moving slowly, even though it is so hard, but I am willing to do anything for Steph. She pulls away from the kiss and I lean my forehead against hers. Her breathing picks up as I move inside her.

"Shh, baby," I kissed her forehead an stopped moving.

"Harry," she breathes and rakes her nails against my back as I continue slowly. I know she is feeling pleasure, as am I.

"Baby, it's okay," I whisper, placing small kisses around her face.

"I know it just feels amazing," she breathed in whispers. I smiled and she grabbed my face in her hands and smashed my lips on hers. She moves her hips upward to be closer to me and I moan. She pressed against a soft spot on my shaft and I feel her smile at my weakness.

"Shit," I whisper and lean my head into her neck. I start to pant and I feel her fingers wrap in my hair. I keep my arms wrapped around her as I continue to move in and out of her at a slow pace.

"I love you Harry," she whispered in my ear. I lift my head and kiss her lips softly. I never deepen it, just keep small soft kisses.

"I love you more baby," I whisper, our lips brushing. I continue my slow pace, keeping her wrapped in my arms. I continue kissing her then feel my high reaching.

"Are you okay baby girl?" I ask her.

"I'm about to cum babe," she says, pulling her head back. I dip my head down an kiss her collarbones. I start to speed up my pace and she grabs my face. she leans her forehead on mine and I opened my eyes, only to see her's closed.

"Open your eyes baby," I whispered, kissing her forehead softly. I see her open them and I do a couple last thrusts and we cum together. She closes her eyes again and tries to catch her breathing. I keep myself inside her and unwrap my arms from under her. I move my forearms to place the on either side of her face and hold up my weight.


"Yes, baby?" I ask, continuing kissing her face.

"Do you ever think about us?"

I stop and look into her eyes. Her blue-green eyes. "Of course I do. Every day. Why do you ask?"

She glanced at my lips an I quickly pecked them. "I wanted to know if you did or not."

I smile and kiss her forehead. "You are always on my mind."

I gently pull out of her and lay down next to her. I gently move out of bes and put my boxers on.


I turn and see Steph looking at me with soft, loving eyes.

"I want to sleep on the balcony with you in my arms," I say, walking and placing a kiss to her forehead.

"Okay, but hurry." I smile and walk to the closet. I grab a big comforter and lay it on the balcony. I grab a couple other blankets and the ring and place them on the balcony. I walk back and kiss Steph quickly. I grab a couple candles and light them outside. I go to Steph and she smiles up at me before I pick her up.

"Harry, can I put on my panties and you shirt?"

I kiss her cheek. "Absolutley."

I place her down by our suitcases and grab a pair of her panties. I bend down and she grabs my shoulders. She places each leg through the leg holes and I pull them up her long, skinny legs. I stand back up after placing them on her hips and smile down at her. I wrap my arms around her waist and she places her head on my chest.

"Can I have your shirt?" she whispered. I kiss the top of her head and pull out of the hug.

"Of course."

I grab a plain black shirt and pull it over her head. Her wavy hair falling in front of her face. I move my hands to push it away from her face and cup her cheek in my hand.

"You are so beautiful," I whisper, kissing her lips.

"I love you Harry."

I pick her up bridal-style and carry her outside. I lay her down and hover over her.

"I love you too baby."

I fall to my side and grab the blankets and pull them over us. I grab the ring and hide it so Steph doesn't suspect anything. I turn back, facing Steph, and see her on her back, eyes closed.

She looks so beautiful and peaceful, I don't even want to disturb her.


I move towards her and pull myself on my side, facing her.


"I love you and I want to be in your arms."

I smile to myself and wrap her in my arms.

"I love you too."

(Hey guys! I know it's short but I wanted I write so you could get your fix. Please keep VOTING, FOLLOWING, AND COMMENTING!!!!)

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