Ch. 15

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Steph POV

I watch as he cries ad becomes vulnerable I front of me. I have tears streaking down my face myself but this is the first time I see Harry showing emotion. I nearly have another heartbreak watching it myself.

“Steph, I-I know I screwed up. I just can’t bare to see you leave. You are the only thing I have right now. You are the only thing that matters to me.”

He walks over to me and grabs my face again. “I need you to understand that I can’t stand being away from you. I need you. You are my own drug. I can’t get enough of you. Every time you leave, I feel worse and I-I need you.”

I can tell he is trying so hard, but no matter what he does, I have to remember all the shit he has put me through.

“You are the one who cheated. I didn’t tell you to and now I realize how stupid I have been. I have been too naive as to see who you really are. You are just mean and I can’t stand when you are. You hurt me so bad, bad enough as to where I have only stopped crying to sleep.”

His bloodshot eyes continue to drop tears. He lets go of my head and falls to the floor. He sobs and brings his knees up to his chest. It was only then when I glanced and saw a small cut on his arm. I want to ask him but I have no idea what his response would be. I leave it be and continue to feel tears rush down my cheeks.

After almost a half hour of silence, Harry stands and walks over to the door. He leaves without saying goodbye and I break down into a sob. This is the worst heartbreak pain imaginable. I grab my phone and dial Karen’s number. She answers on the first ring and immediately asks what’s wrong. I tell her everything and by everything, I mean everything. I talk with her for almost two hours and finally hang up. She told me to give Harry time and I agreed. I hung up and decided to watch TV for a while.

Harry POV

I couldn’t stand being near her anymore, my heart just totally broken into pieces, so I make my way over to Lily’s room. I walk in quietly and see her softly sleeping on her bed. I walk over and kiss her forehead. She moves and flutters her eyelashes. I smile and she smiles when she sees me. She jumps up and I pick her up. I hold her close to me and feel happy. This little girl is my savior at the moment, helping me realize that I can’t give up.


I pull away and look into her brown eyes.

“Yes baby?”

“Can I see Steph?”

I think for a second before telling her yes. I make my way over to Steph’s room and see her sitting up, watching TV. I open the door and she snaps her head in my directions. Her face quickly turns into a smile at the sight of Lily. I put her down and she runs to Steph.

“Hey pretty lady,” Steph said, pulling Lily next to her. Lily snuggles next to her and I walk out of the room, not wanting to let Lily see that we are currently in a very rocky part in our relationship.

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