Ch. 40

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Steph POV

The doctor finishes up with Harry and he is free to go. I take him home and make him lie on the couch. I let him sleep and work in the kitchen. I have to file a couple documents and work on a manuscript for school. I place my glasses in my nose and start to read and highlight. The story is so depressing, a young married couple is happy and then the girl dies from sickness. I end up in tears at the heart touching story. The husband never married again and always visited her grave everyday and talked to her.

I set it down and grab my notebook, jotting down the feelings of the story and the plot. I finish at around 10 and make myself a cup of tea. Harry is still crashed on the couch and I smile. His legs don’t even fit on the couch and it is a really funny sight.

I walk in and kiss his forehead. I sit on the chair and turn on the TV. I watch and sip my tea, occasionally looking at my husband. He is snoring and so deep in sleep that I don’t even want to make him go to bed. He looks too peaceful.

He starts to stir and he flips himself on his stomach, arm dangling off the side and touching the floor. I laugh and watch him pat the floor. I have no idea what he is doing and it looks like his s petting an invisible dog.

He jolts up and looks around, his gaze meeting mine. I just laugh and he sighs.

“I forgot I was on the couch and not in bed with you.”

I laugh and stand up. I walk and sit next to him. “So that’s what you look like when you don’t feel me next to you in the morning.”

He kisses my temple and nods. “I love waking up to you and when you’re not there I begin to worry.”

“It’s okay, I don’t get very far.”

He pulls me off the couch and grabs my waist. “You better not be that far. I would call the police and start a search party if you far.”

I laugh and he pecks my lips. “I need you to rest and get healthy again.”

He groans as I try to get out of his grip. He pulls me into his chest and kisses up my neck. “I was thinking we could do other things.”

His hot breath made my insides heat but he was injured. “No, absolutely not. You have a concussion.”

“That won’t stop me.”

I just laugh. “I will not make love with you until you are concussion free.”

He groans and I elbow him in the stomach. “Fine, but I will have you when I don’t have this fucking concussion.”

Which happened to be almost 3 months until he was fully healed. He was constantly nagging me to make love with him but I always refused because he could injure himself further.

He was released of his concussion on March 14, which was almost Spring Break. I was barely home due to long hours at work. I had to help the office with a major sales promotion and they needed me to organize the files and work. I was there until 8 almost every night, sometimes later. Then I came home and did my manuscripts and essays. Harry was angry with me that I had to work so much but he understood the pressure I am in.

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