Ch. 31

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Pic on the side!

Harry POV

I watch as she walks around, looking at the pictures, smiling at each one. They make her laugh and I move behind her, wrapping my arms around her cold frame. She laughed at a picture of myself with whip cream all over my face after we had made ice cream sundaes once. I posted a ton of pictures of her, mostly because I was upset when I made this and wanted something to remind me of her.

I kissed her temple and she placed her hands on mine. I looked down at her and watched her eyes move from picture to picture. The love I feel towards her just makes me feel like a million volts of lightning are being passed through me. She laughed when she saw a picture of her, surprised at something. It was one of the many pictures I took of her not looking.

"Harry this is beautiful."

"I wanted to do something for you."

"You have done enough for me just by being with me."

My heart fluttered and I let go of her, her moving to the wall above the door. I have spent countless hours, ready old romance novels, trying to find quotes that describe her, but no quote could match the amount of love I hold for her.

I reread the quotes, smiling at each one, realizing how stupid I looked while reading these books.

"Romeo. Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear,
That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops-
Juliet. O swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her circled orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable." - Romeo and Juliet

"I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve."- Pride and Prejudice

"You are my life now." -Twilight

"She lov'd me for the dangers I had pass'd,
And I lov'd her that she did pity them" - Othello

"She wanted to leave. I loved her too much to make her stay."

"Better?" I went from holding her hand to hugging her. "Lindy, you loved me when I wasn't even human.
You kissed me when I had no lips. You saw what was deep down inside me when I wasn't even sure
about it myself. Believe me, there's no way I could do better. I think you're perfect."- Beastly

"This one isn't true," she said pointing to the first Beastly quote I highlighted. "I never wanted to leave. I always loved you, I was just too afraid to admit it."

I smiled and she continued reading them. The way features illuminated by the faint light in the shed, which was newly lit with candles, made her glow. She was an angel. I have never felt such a feeling before her.

"Did you really do all of this yourself?"

I grabbed her hands in mine and held them tight. "This is what I did, trying to remember you while in Australia. I wrote letters to you and read romance novels. I probably looked like an idiot but I don't care. I had something people would die for. I had love."

She smiled and I kissed her forehead. "I have a quote I want to add to you boring wall."

I smiled and let go of her hands. She walked over to the wall and grabbed the black marker I had. She began writing and I realized it was one I wrote in my journal to her.

I am dark and she is the light. Total opposites but yet so attracted to one another. She has made me see that not all this are horrible. She is my hero and I am hers. I love her. My only.

She capped the marker and ran over to me and I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I kissed her. She placed her hands on my cheeks and she gently massaged the still sore patches on my nose. She kicked her sandals off and I moved my hands to cu the back of her shoulders.

"I want you to make love to me, right here, in our new place."

I looked up at her and see her eyes closed, breathing on my lips as we both felt the intensity of our love. I carefully laid her down and moved over her. I look deep into her eyes and kissed her softly. I carefully removed my hoodie and unzipped her sweatshirt. She was wearing a tank top and I quickly wrapped my arms around her, trying to wrap her in my warmth. She placed her hands on my shoulders and looked up at me.

"Are you still on birth control?"

She nodded and I kissed her lips softly. She moved to place her hands at my waist and slowly moved my waistband down, pulling both my boxers and joggers off. As I aided her in pulling the rest of my pants off, I hooked my hand on the end of her shirt and pulled it over her head. I then went back and removed her bra and buried my face in her neck, kissing every inch of her. I moved my hands down her sides and pulled at her pants. I shoved them down her legs, trailing my kisses down her torso, kissing her lightly and finishing at her belly button. I pulled her pants off and rejoined her lips with mine.


"Yes?" I looked at her and her hand cupped my cheek.

"I love you."

I grabbed her hand and kissed her. I pulled away as I gently pushed myself inside of her. Our lips brushed in pants as I went deeper into her. She squeezed my hand and I opened my eyes from my concentration on going slow. Her eyes closed, her lips parted slightly and her hair fanned behind her head. She looked like a goddess.

I kissed the corners of her mouth and slowly started to move my hips. My forehead placed on hers and she breathed on my lips. I kept placing soft kisses to her lips, trying to distract her from whatever was going on in her mind.

"Baby, I love you."

"I love you Haz."

She opened her beautiful eyes and stared into mine. I stopped my movements for a minute and kissed her. I let go of one of her hands and gently cupped her cheek in my hand. I softly kissed her, never deepening the kiss, trying to savor every moment we have right now. I closed my eyes and continued our kiss. Our noses brushed a couple times, causing her to smile. I pulled away from the kiss and pulled out of her. I moved in again and reconnected our hands. She pants and moves her head to the side. I kiss her neck and she continues panting as I move in and out of her.

"Baby, shh," she brought her head back to mine and squeezed her eyes.

"Please kiss me," she panted. I moved my lips to hers quickly and kissed her. She was squeezing my hands tightly and I knew she was nearing her high. She screeched as I dug my hips onto a sweet spot repeatedly. She dug her nails into the back of my hand and I kissed around her face. I started to go a little faster, trying to ride out my high along with hers. I released into her, letting go of her hands and wrapping my arms tightly around her body.

I pulled out of her and sat up, cradling her small body. She laced her head on my shoulder and I tightly held her as we both caught our breathing. She placed kisses to my neck and shoulder as I held her still warm body. I carefully lifted her up and stood up. I kissed the top of her head and let go of her, grabbing our underwear. I slipped on my boxers, and then bent down for her to slide her legs through her panties. I set them on her waist and stood up, pecking her lips. She lifted her arms slightly and slid her arms through her sports bra. I placed it on her and she lifted her long locks out. I grabbed her tank top and slipped it on and grabbed her yoga pants. I handed them to her, her placing them on her waist as I did the same with my joggers. We both put out sweatshirts on and I opened my arms for her.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around my waist, mine going over hers, around her shoulders.

"That was amazing baby," I whispered. I kissed her forehead and she lay her head on my chest.

"That was all I wanted it to be."

I smile and pick her up bridal style. I blow out the candles and turn the light off. The sun was starting to rise in the sky so I walked to the car and drove to the diner with Steph. It was about 5:30.

"I am taking you to breakfast, then we can rest all day. Unless you want to do other things," I said, turning to her. She laughed and shoved my shoulder.

"Harry," she laughed. I joined her and placed a hand on her thigh. She lifted it up and entwined our fingers, resting my hand on her lap. I smile and she giggled. The rest of the car ride consisted of me taking glances at her. She would be mouthing the lyrics on the songs playing on the radio or just looking out the window. She was so beautiful and I was in awe as she smiled as she caught me once.

I pulled into the diner and walked to Steph's side of the car, only to see her asleep against the window. I smile and walk back to my side. I turn the car on and carefully pull out of the parking lot. I drive home and carefully shut my door and walk over to her side. I open the door and lift her out. I kick the door shut and walk to our door. I open it and walk into the bedroom. I lay her down and pull the covers over her. I walk to the living room and turn up the heat for a while. I walk into the kitchen and see a missed message on my phone.

The realtor. I listen to the message and it said that we can rent the house for a year while she is in school. I smile and call them back. I accept the offer and tell them I will be visiting in a few months, paying the first couple rents. The lady agrees and I hang up. I smile and walk into the living room. I grab my laptop and log on. I hit the fight club logo and log onto my account. I am immediately spammed with messages, telling me about the fight with Justin. I click my profile and see a new message in my inbox.

It's from Tom, warning me about the police because my fights aren't exactly legal.

I exit and put the computer back on the table. I walk into the bedroom quietly and grab my wallet off the dresser. I take a look at Steph and smile at the ground. She is sleeping so softly and I just wish I could take a picture of her. I decide against it and walk into the closet. I change into a plaid shirt and my black jeans. I move my hair back and grab my black converse. I walk out and Steph is still sleeping. I write her a note and tape it to the door. I walk out the door and make my way to my car. I get in and drive to the store. I grab a couple packets of tea and a bouquet of flowers for Steph. I buy them and make my way back to the car. I get in and drive back home and see Steph still sleeping. I take the note off the door and go back into the kitchen to make her a cup of tea. I make it and grab the flowers.

I quietly walk into the bedroom and sit on the bed. I place a kiss to her cheek and she mumbles something. I laugh and she opens her eyes, widening them when she sees me.

"What are you doing?" she smiles.

I handed her the tea and set the flowers on her lap. "I wanted to do something to apologize for the ass I have been to you during our relationship. I felt like I needed to give you something so I got you your favorite flowers and your favorite tea."

She smiled and I wrapped my arm around her waist. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I kissed her temple.

"I have some news for you too."


"We got the house."

She turned to me and smiled. "Really?!"

I nodded and she kissed me. "Yay, we have somewhere to live."

"It's right near the campus so it won't be a far drive."

She laughed. "Yea, that and so you can be there if some dude comes and talks to me."

"Hey, I only want you to be safe. And I just hate people."

She laughed. "That is so true."

"But I love you." I pecked her lips and she relaxed in my arms and took another sip of her tea.

(Ahh! I'm sorry it's a little short but I will try to update soon. I have been getting really busy lately so please understand! I love you all and your comments always leave a smile on my face. I love you guys so please keep voting, following, and commenting!! <3)

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