Ch. 34

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For this chapter, The bold is Harry and the regular is Steph. Get ready for the wedding!!!!

Pic on the side!

The next morning, I wake up and Harry is softly caressing my right cheek, rubbing the pads of his thumbs under my eyes and on the bridge of my nose. My hands are currently on his bare chest and his other arm is wrapped around me tightly. He runs his fingers through my hair and places a soft kiss to my forehead. He trails his lips down the bridge of my nose and softly presses a kiss to my lips. I keep my eyes closed, trying to savor all of the simply gestures he places on my body. He moves his hand under my shoulder and climbs on top of me, hovering over my body.

“Wake up baby,” he whispers, gently kissing my jaw. He keeps kissing me and I just feel his soft touch. He places kisses to my eyelids and cheeks.

“I know you’re up,” he whispered. I giggled and opened my eyes. He was smiling down at me and fell onto his side. We were both naked but I honestly didn’t even care anymore. He is the only one who can have me.

“You know it’s like noon?” he said. I laughed and he pulled me closer to him. I gently pecked his lips and leaned my forehead on his.

“We are getting married tomorrow!” he said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me on top of him and I looked down at him.

“Yes we are Haz,” I smiled and kissed him. I gave him an Eskimo kiss when I pulled back and we both started to laugh.

“I don’t think we have time to go to our place. I have to be at Karen’s in an hour.”

He groaned and held me closer. “I really don’t want you to go over there. What if she like, orders strippers or something?” he said.

“If she does, I am leaving the room and calling you.”

He smiled and kissed me. “That goes for you too. If the boys bring in strippers, leave,” I told him.

“Okay baby.”

I rolled off him and got out of the bed. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself. I walked to the closet and grabbed a simple white dress and slipped it on along with my bra and panties. I came out of the closet and went into the bathroom. I threw my hair into a bun and put on my make up. I walked out of the room and saw Harry still in bed.

“Okay baby.”

He turned and faced me, his eyes going wide.

“If you take my breath away now, I am going to need help breathing tomorrow,” he said and I smiled. I walked over to his side of the bed and gave him a kiss.

“I love you Steph. I will see you tomorrow. Please call me tonight though.”

I nod and smile. “I will. I love you too. I’ll be the one in white.”

He smiled and gave me one last kiss. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. I pulled away and kissed his forehead.

Waiting For Tomorrow (Punk h.s.) [Completed]*Where stories live. Discover now