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Steph POV

Since graduation, our family moved to Italy for a while. We have been here for 6 months and the 3 years are nearing closer. Reagan is with me most of the time because Jeff is in an international company and decided to work in Italy at their international office, since he was a marketer. Karen found work in the hospital here and Papa is with the horses and is in his office most of the time. Mario has since left the farm and is in school in the United States, learning to be a veterinarian.

I am at home, usually taking care of Reagan. We have the strongest sister relationship, but I act more as a caretaker than a sister, but I love her to pieces. Her hair is in perfect chestnut ringlets, sort of like Harry’s. Her bright blue eyes always light up my day and I love her hugs. She sees me as a cuddlebug, and I am more than willing to hold her whenever.

I haven’t changed much, other than over the span of the 3 years, I have gained almost 10 pounds. I am still incredibly skinny and underweight for my height and age and I hate it.

Our family has gathered back at the house and we are going home. I pack and bring my stuff to the car. I walk back into the house and a little 2 year old is dashing to me. I pick her up and kiss her cheek.

“Are you ready to go home?” I ask and she smiles. Her head bounces up and down, signaling a yes with her unruly curly hair. She wraps her little arms around my neck and I walk into the house. I say goodbye to some of the workers in Papa’s vineyard that I have come to have a good relationship with and I walk back into the house. I walk Reagan and I back to the car and we get settled in and drive to the airport. We drop off our bags and we wait. I take Reagan to Starbucks and I get her chocolate milk and I a smoothie, considering it was almost 9 in the morning.

Our flight is called and I grab Reagan’s hand. We walk out and meet the family and continue to our gate. We board the plane and Reagan is next to Jeff and I am with Karen. Karen and I talk most of the way but we sleep too. Once our plane landed, we drove home and we all immediately crashed into our beds and fell asleep.

Harry POV

I had the last day of camp and I am leaving for home tonight. I was so happy I did this training camp, my technique has improved greatly and I have moved up in weight class, due to my muscles growing. I get into my cabin and shower quickly. I get out and change into my now skin-tight clothes and pack my bags. I grab them and make sure I have everything, especially my journals from Steph, which I have read and are now fraying at the edges. I walk out and say goodbye to Frank and make my way to the buses. I put my bags in the top and sit next to a guy named Sal, who I have hung out with majority of my time at camp.

“You going home to anyone?” I ask. He turns and smiles.

“Yeah, my fiancée Gwen. What about you?”

I smile. “My long time girlfriend Steph.”

“That’s cool. I just asked her to marry me before I left. I love her.”

“Yeah, I love my girl to. She is everything to me.”

We talked for a while but broke off into silence. All I had on my mind was Steph. I couldn’t believe I was going to see her again. We reached the airport and we went through security and baggage check and waited for almost an hour. I boarded my plane to Wisconsin and I practically slept the whole way home. Once the plane landed, I got off and picked up my bags. I got to my car, which my mum brought here for me yesterday, and drove home. I drove to the apartment and got in. I walked to my bedroom and smiled, remembering the last time I was in here. The way I made love to Steph like it was the last time I would ever see her.

I place my clothes in the wash and grab my hoodie. I walk to the park and try to think of a way to surprise Steph. As I walk around the park, I see kids playing on the playground and I smile. I want to have a baby one day with Steph and bring them here. I am brought out of my thoughts when a little girl ran into me.

“Hello little girl.”

“Hi,” she smiled up at me.

“What’s your name?” I ask, crouching down to her size.


I stare into her beautiful blue eyes that remind me of Steph’s. She has cute brown curls on her head and is wearing a pink tutu and white shirt.

“I’m Harry.”

She smiled and was kind of shy.

“Well listen, I think you are beautiful little girl and I have to get going. It was nice meeting you Reagan.”

“Bye Harry,” she said and ran over to the playground. I walk and watch Reagan play for a while. She was so adorable and I hope I have a girl that is as beautiful as her. I walk a bit more, circling the park and coming back to the park. There aren’t any kids left and I see Reagan walking away. She turns back and runs back to the swings. The girl she is with turns around and my heart stops.

It was Steph.

There is nothing in my head except her. Her hair is still blonde and is really long and her eyes still have the same sparkle. She is so beautiful but I know she can’t see me. I see Reagan run up to her and she picks her up. I smile as she kisses her cheek. Steph was really good with her.

That’s when reality hit me.

Was Reagan mine? Did the condom break?

I begin to realize that Reagan could be my child but I can’t jump to any conclusions. I feel my nerves start to build but I keep walking. I watch as Steph and Reagan walk to her house and their actions towards each other. Steph is so protective over Reagan and Reagan wraps her arms around her neck. It is really nice to see that Steph is like this. I have always wanted to see her with kids and after seeing this I can’t help but know that we were going to have one of our own.

But my question still remains. Do I already have a little girl?

Steph POV

On the way home from the park, Reagan kept telling me about a boy she saw. She said he was super tall and pretty. I smiled and kissed her cheek. I asked her more about what he looked like and she said he had green eyes and a hat on. When she mentioned green eyes, my thoughts immediately flashed to Harry.

Is he back?


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