Ch. 26

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Steph POV

Harry puts a shirt on and we walk out into the parking lot. Harry sees his opponent’s team and they all shoot him glares. Harry just wraps his arm around my shoulder and walks to his car.

“Harry, I’m fine.”

“I am just making sure none of those wise asses takes you away from me.”

“I won’t get taken away.”

He kisses my temple and opens my car door. “You have been taken from me too many times.”

I sit down in his car, his scent comforting me. He walks to his side and looks at me while doing so. I just take a deep breath and settle into the seat. He opens his door and sits down, leaning over and pecking my cheek. I smile and he starts the car.

“I just want you to know that you are the one I want. After seeing you with Liam, I broke down. I couldn’t love anyone but you. You are the only one I could love and to see you leave me, for one of my friends, is the worst feeling in the world.”

I grab his hand and he pulls out of the parking lot. “Harry, you need to learn that I am not going to do everything you tell me. You don’t control me.”

“I know and I am so sorry and to make up for it, I am doing something for you.”

I turn to him and he has a big smile on his face. “What? Tell me!”

“I am willing to go to New Jersey and be with you while you attend school.”

I did a jump and reached across the seat and hugged him. Lucky for us we were at a red light.

“Harry! I can’t believe you are willing to do that.”

He turns and kisses my forehead. “I would be willing to do anything for you. Just know that I am taking you to and from school.”

I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. “Fine by me.”

“Just know that we are still getting married and you are not allowed to go to any parties.”

“Harry,” I groan.

“You didn’t let me finish,” he stated. I waited and listened. “You can’t go to any parties without me. I don’t want some idiot taking advantage of you.”

I smile and play with his fingers. “I love you Harry.”

“I will always love you more,” he says, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

He pulled into the parking lot in front of our apartment and I got up. I opened my door and walked over to where Harry was standing with his gym bag. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the house. It wasn’t nearly as messy as I thought it would be, there are just empty alcohol bottles on the counter. My heart clenched at the sight.

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